A TRIAL is taking place for a woman accused of engaging in sexual activity with a teenage boy.

Tracey Charlesworth is on trial at Oxford Crown Court charged with two counts of being an adult engaging in sexual activity with a boy and one count of being an offender 18 or over engaging in penetrative sexual activity with a boy.

The 60-year-old has denied the offences – the jury hearing that the defence’s case is that the complainant, who cannot be named for legal reasons, had sexually assaulted her on several occasions.

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During the trial on Wednesday (July 17), the complainant gave evidence in court, telling a jury that he had initiated the sexual activity with Charlesworth but it wasn’t non-consensual.

In cross-examination, the defence barrister for Charlesworth said: “You removed her clothing and forced yourself on her and she made it abundantly clear that she did not want this happening.”

The complainant responded: “Incorrect.”

Continuing, the barrister asked: “Against her will, you put your penis into her vagina and she was crying, wasn’t she? You raped her.”

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The complainant responded: “Incorrect.”

“It was you who instigated it, wasn’t it?” the barrister asked finally, and the complainant responded: “Yes.”

The trial of Charlesworth, of Blackbull Lane, Fencott, Oxford, continues this week. It is expected to last five to seven days.