A campaign group is urging the cabinet member for transport management Andrew Gant to stop a "ludicrous waste of money" being spent on a new Toucan crossing in Bicester.

The chair of campaign group Derwent Green Residents Group, Stephen Rand, has written to Mr Gant urging him to cancel the work "as quickly as possible".

The group comprises of over 70 adults living on the Greenwood Homes estate in Bicester.

Work is due to begin on July 22 to build a toucan crossing across Howes Lane. 

The crossing has planning approval and is being installed and funded by a developer as part of their planning application for the employment site.

In his letter, Mr Rand said: "I am writing to urge you to cancel this work as quickly as possible.

READ MORE: London Road crossing: Bicester MP writes to rail minister

"We have been desperately hoping that the promised realignment of Howes Lane would one day take place.

"Three years ago a railway bridge to facilitate this was built and it stands unused, a monument to planning failure.

"We believe it is not too late for you to intervene and demonstrate that there is a willingness to take sensible and immediate action when something so obviously ludicrous and such a waste of council funds is about to happen.

"Please, please use your authority to act now."

Andrew Gant (Image: Oxfordshire County Council) (Image: Oxfordshire County Council.)

Mr Rand also outlined reasons as to why he thinks it should be stopped in his letter.

He said: "This planned toucan crossing is being built across a road that is planned to be closed.

"It offers no meaningful link for any user, until houses are built on the north-west of Howes Lane, there is absolutely no-one who will find this crossing of any use.

"The developers have already constructed their section of the realigned Howes Lane and are now building a crossing on the road that section is intended to replace."

Mr Rand also posted on Facebook urging people to email Mr Gant.

An Oxfordshire County Council spokesperson said: “The toucan crossing planned for Howes Lane in Bicester is not council funded, but is being delivered wholly by the developer of the land.

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"The crossing will form a key link to an employment site that is already being built, providing safe access for pedestrians and cyclists travelling from Bicester town centre and elsewhere until the existing Howes Lane is realigned to the new developments.

“Oxfordshire County Council is committed to delivering a strategic link road across the planned North West Bicester development, which includes the realigned Howes Lane.

"The planned road sits across different parcels of land and we therefore need to work with Cherwell District Council, developers, landowners, and external funding bodies to agree how best to deliver the road.

"These conversations are at an early stage.”

The council added that the railway bridge remains a "key piece of infrastructure" that is pivotal to the delivery of the realigned strategic link road.