Community Actions Group Oxfordshire has clocked in 200,000 volunteer hours from members of the community in the past year.

Groups in the Community Action Groups network hosted over 8,000 events and activities promoting sustainability and bringing people together to take action locally in the past year

They attracted 120,000 attendees and clocked in 200,000 volunteer hours from members of the community, which is nearly double the outputs of the previous year.

These activities resulted in 1645 tonnes of non-food waste and 678 tonnes of food diverted from disposal.

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Additionally, over 1000 bikes were repaired by groups.

Collectively this has saved 1695 tonnes of Carbon Dioxide emissions. 

CAG Oxfordshire said it is grateful for the support and recognition received from Oxfordshire County Council for the service they provide in ensuring their member groups and socially driven organisations are able to establish themselves, thrive and grow within their communities, reaching more people and generating greater and lasting impact. 

Oxfordshire County Council has nearly doubled their funding, committing nearly £550k over three years to reflect the growing network, increased activity and the increase in costs to deliver the service.

The latest report shows that the network generated £5,938,350 in social value for the Council making its return on investment 28:1 for the year 2023 to 2024. 

Katherine Chesson, Director of CAG Oxfordshire says: “Once again, CAG Oxfordshire is incredibly proud to support the work of more than 22,000 volunteers championing climate action in their local communities.

"This work is not possible without dedicated individuals working in collaboration to bring real and meaningful change addressing issues of climate justice in every corner of the county.

"We are also grateful for the continued support of Oxfordshire County Council and our other funding partners which allows this work to thrive."

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Councillor Dr Pete Sudbury, Deputy Leader of Oxfordshire County Council with Responsibility for Climate Change, Environment and Future Generations, said: “Oxfordshire’s community action groups continue to prove that the appetite is there for meaningful change in the way we live our lives to combat climate change.

"Every CAG is a piece of the machinery we need to put together when it comes to lifting ourselves up into a sustainable future.

“As a council, we want to make it as easy as possible for people to do the things that they know will make a difference and CAGs are the bedrock of our support to communities. That is why we doubled the funding for them and we are delighted to see the impact that that has had.”