A Thames Valley Police chief inspector said he is "pleased" the force was able to keep crime "very low" at this year's Henley Royal Regatta.

More than 300,000 people attended the event last week which saw Thames Valley Police working alongside Wokingham Borough Council, The Environment Agency and local licensed premises to deliver a "highly successful policing and security operation".  

Chief inspector Matthew Sulley, tactical commander for the policing operation, said: "We deployed officers from a variety of departments, employing both high visibility and on occasion covert tactics.

Thames Valley Police at Henley Royal Regatta 2024Thames Valley Police at Henley Royal Regatta 2024 (Image: Thames Valley Police)

“Working with security teams from Henley Royal Regatta, the licensed premises on the riverbank and in Henley ensured the safety of all those who visited the regatta during the day and the town in the evening. "

Over the course of the event, a total of 10 arrests were made for offences such as drink driving, assault, and criminal damage.

Mr Sulley said: "Considering the very large number of attendees, these arrests represent a small minority of those who visited Henley, and I am pleased we have successfully kept crime very low."

Thames Valley Police at Henley Royal Regatta 2024Thames Valley Police at Henley Royal Regatta 2024 (Image: Thames Valley Police)

He added: "Thank you to everyone who has made it an enjoyable week for us."

The event ran from Tuesday, July 2, to Sunday, July 7. It saw 409 races staged and a record 772 entries from 27 nations.