A youth council is set to be reinstated in Witney having first been introduced in 2008.

Witney Town Council has issued an invitation to 11 - 18-year-olds in the area to become members.

The idea to rejuvenate the youth council was sparked by the number of responses from school students to the town council's annual residents’ satisfaction survey.

The responses indicated young people in Witney have an interest in politics and democracy at a local level.

Stronger communities chair, councillor Dr Lisa Cherry, said: "As chair of the Stronger Communities Committee, I'm delighted that we have a dedicated platform to ensure that young people's voices are well and truly represented in the heart of the town."

Previous youth councils have organised bake sales, taken part in Remembrance Day, run events and hosted their own nerf gun arcade stall at Witney Carnival in order to raise funds for their projects and events.

They have also encouraged people their age to take part in the census and raised awareness of climate change and other issues.

The youth council will have a budget of £500 a year to start fundraising events.

Any funds raised from the different activities will add to this budget, giving members a broader financial base to implement projects.

The youth council will communicate about its work through its Instagram account and Facebook page, which will be managed by the members themselves.

There will be a maximum of 20 youth council members and they will meet a minimum of four times a year.

The town council said the youth council has "been through quite a few makeovers" since it began, but every group of young councillors have their own ideas and concerns.

Its desire to hear from and act upon the needs and wishes of young people within the town is encapsulated within its Vision for the Youth Council.

The vision states: "Witney Town Council supports and empowers young people in Witney to be more involved in making decisions about issues and services that affect them in their futures.

"A Witney Youth Council gives children and young people a ‘collective voice’ that is listened to and helps influence actions by decision makers."

The closing date for applications to join the youth council is September 15 and applications can be made on Witney Town Council's website.

The council said it is looking forward to working alongside younger representatives from the community again, adding it offers both sides an opportunity to consult and gain different perspectives and understand different points of view and opinions.