Oxfordshire County Council has been grilled over controversial traffic measures from critics of schemes such as traffic filters and low traffic neighbourhoods (LTNs). 

County councillors read over and listened to the questions, which came from members of the public and fellow councillors, at a full council meeting in County Hall yesterday.

Every single one of the 15 questions submitted by members of the public were related to transport and included questions from a few Independent Oxford Alliance (IOA) city councillors who oppose the policies.

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Labour councillor Susanna Pressel spoke out at the meeting to voice her concerns.

Susanna Pressel.Susanna Pressel. (Image: Oxford City Council.)

She said: "We fear that the amount of traffic and congestion in Botley Road will go up once the traffic filters go live.

"This is because it will be the only route by which non-exempt vehicles can access the Westgate car park, other car parks, the station etc. without going through a traffic filter.

"These new extra vehicles will be in addition to all the many drivers from the west coming in with their 25 day passes, and the anomalous ones from Botley, Cumnor and North Hinksey, with their 100 day passes.

"If congestion in Botley Road does get even worse than it used to be as a consequence of the traffic filters, what will you do?"

Andrew Gant.Andrew Gant. (Image: Oxfordshire County Council.)

Traffic filters are set to be trialled in November and will see camera-operated points placed on six roads in the city to "help lower the number of private car journeys".

Andrew Gant, cabinet member for transport management, responded saying "Botley Road is not the only way to access large parts of the city centre" and "the traffic filters as a whole are expected to reduce traffic within the ring road by 20 per cent and within the city centre by 35 per cent".

Another question from IOA city councillor Ian Yeatman said: "I note that LTN amendments are under consultation for Mayfair Road.

"When will we see a full review of the much more problematic Crowell Road filter including the overdue Blue Badge access?"

Ian Yeatman.Ian Yeatman. (Image: Contribution.)

Mr Gant responded: "There are currently no plans to further amend the Crowell Road and Littlemore Road LTN filter and the associated exemptions.

"The bollard has only recently been replaced with Automatic Number Plater Recognition (ANPR) camera enforcement. However, the LTNs remain under regular review by the county council."

The meeting saw Labour councillor Liz Brighouse allege there was a "lack of empathy" in the implementation of transport polices.

Another Labour councillor, Imade Edosomwan, hit out at the highways chief, saying: "He knows down deep in his heart that what is happening in the agenda for this council is not right.

Oxford LTN.Oxford LTN. (Image: Ed Nix.)

"The transport policy is not working.

"It’s always his own way or no other way."

The Lib Dem-Green administration on Oxfordshire County Council says it has introduced its transport policies to encourage active travel and reduce road deaths and decrease congestion.

Though, opponents claim the policies have increased congestion and caused businesses to suffer due to "reduced" footfall.