Chipping Norton Town Council has been flying the NHS flag to mark 76 years of the health service.

The tribute on July 5 was in recognition and gratitude to all health and social workers for their dedication and sacrifices in the face of covid-19 and beyond.

The council raised the NHS logo on the town flagpole at the Millennium Garden.

Town mayor, Cllr Sandra Coleman and deputy mayor Cllr Steve Akers officiated the event.

Cllr Coleman said: "I am very pleased that we are able to fly the NHS flag today to recognise the progress that has been made over the past 76 years since the NHS was founded.

"A big thank you to everyone working in the NHS on the front line and behind the scenes - we all rely on the work you do."

Cllr Akers added that the town council is 'very proud' to support the NHS.