All staff at an Oxford NHS trust are "absolutely committed" to making a difference to the amount of carbon being released in their area, according to the trust's head of sustainability and carbon management.

Wendy Cheeseman, who works at Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, was speaking on the Net Hero Podcast.

She said: "In the NHS, we say lower emissions equal lower admissions.

"If you're a healthcare professional and if you care about people, you invariably care about the environment as well and the impact that has on people.

"We absolutely understand that any decision we make today and any carbon we pump into the environment will impact the health of the populations we serve locally, nationally and globally.

"To this extent, all of our staff are absolutely committed in some way or another to try and make a difference in their area."

Speaking ahead of Sustainability Day of Action on July 8, Ms Cheeseman touched on the net-zero targets within the NHS.

She said: "The NHS has stringent net zero targets.

"We’re looking to be net zero in our activities that we control by 2040 and in our supply chain by 2045."

She added: "These are really difficult targets to achieve and we must work together."

She said decarbonising the supply chain is essential, saying "we [the trust] request and require our suppliers to have carbon reduction plans that mirror ours".