Former Prime Minister Liz Truss has lost her South West Norfolk seat.

Ms Truss held a majority of more than 20,000 votes from the 2019 General Election, but has lost her seat to the Labour candidate.

Labour's Terry Jermy received 11,847 votes, winning a 600 vote majority over second-placed Liz Truss. 

Labour win landslide election victory

Sir Keir Starmer said the UK was again experiencing the “sunlight of hope” after a Labour landslide put him on course to be the next prime minister.

Tory leader Rishi Sunak conceded defeat after a “sobering” night for his party which saw a record eight Cabinet minister lose their seats.

At a victory rally in central London, Sir Keir said the country could now “get its future back”.

He told jubilant activists “we did it”, adding: “Change begins now”.

Speaking at his victory speech, Sir Keir said it “feels good, I have to be honest” as results reached the halfway point.

The Labour leader said: “We did it. You campaigned for it, you fought for it, you voted for it, and now it has arrived: change begins now.

“It feels good, I have to be honest. Four and a half years of work changing the party, this is is what it is for: a changed Labour Party ready to serve our country, ready to restore Britain to the service of working people.

“And across our country, people will be waking up to the news, relief that a weight has been lifted, a burden finally removed from the shoulders of this great nation.

“And now we can look forward, walk into the morning, the sunlight of hope, pale at first but getting stronger through the day, shining once again, on a country with the opportunity after 14 years to get its future back.”

What is an Exit Poll?

The exit poll is a way of predicting what may happen in a general election, revealed after voting has concluded but before results are counted.

Exit polls take place at around 144 polling stations across the UK and the information then is used to predict the result of the election.

It involves asking tens of thousands to fill in a private ballot after they voted to get an indication of how they voted in the actual election.

Participating polling stations are usually chosen because they are considered to be demographically representative of the UK as a whole, with a mixture of rural and urban seats selected, and a number of marginal seats also chosen.