Clean river campaigning groups have put up banners on the A40 ahead of the election this week.

Oxfordshire-based Windrush Against Sewage Pollution and the Evenlode Catchment Partnership paid for the banners which were put up outside Burford by volunteers over the weekend.

Chair of Windrush Against Sewage Pollution (WASP) Ash Smith said he wanted to say something "meaningful while being as non-political as I can be".

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He told the Oxford Mail: "It seems to me that the sewage scandal is symbolic of so many of the other ills facing the people of the UK.

Windrush Against Sewage Pollution and Evenlode Catchment Partnership banner (Image: WASP)

"Fixing it is about a massive reset of priorities and creating a business model that puts people and wildlife ahead of shareholders' profits - especially when we realise that those, often offshore, shareholders have never actually delivered the promised investment that privatisation was promised to bring.

"They just used some of our money on running the companies and took about £72 billion away for doing nothing.

"It has been, and still is, a massive con trick in my eyes, and we hope the next government will bring our water back into safe hands and finally end pollution for profit."