There is not long until the General Election now and people in Oxford East are gearing up to find out who will be the constituency's next MP.

To make your decision a little easier we have asked all the candidates five questions to let you know a little bit more about them and their views.

Candidates are listed in the same order as seen on the Oxford City Council website.

Amir Steve Ali - Independent

Amir Steve Ali.Amir Steve Ali. (Image: Contribution.)

Do you think net migration into the UK should be reduced?

"If am elected I will look into it, and find the best possible solution."

How would you improve access to healthcare in the UK?

"For a start more staffing is needed, more funding is needed, more equipment and diagnostic centres are needed and a pay rise for NHS staff which will reduce staff leaving and will encourage more staff to join NHS.

"Health comes first so if these things gets sorted that can save lives.

"Government needs to look into this asap."

Have LTNs had a positive impact on Oxford East constituents?

"I believe am the only current candidate who's been fighting against LTNs over the years hardcore.

"I believe our current MP and all the current candidates for this General Election can't compare with me for the actions I've been taking over the years to give public justice, and I've proven this by going to 10 Downing Street four times plus over the years I've visited local residents and businesses listening to their concerns as a member of public.

"Surprisingly some candidates are all of sudden talking about LTNs and some candidates are suddenly showing an interest in public (maybe it's election time). My question is where were all the candidates over the years when people were suffering?

"I was there for the public since day one when I saw people suffering because of LTNs.

"To my knowledge nobody has a proven track record over the years like mine the way I've taken actions.

"This election is very crucial and if the public wants effective actions against LTNs then I am the only candidate who can make this possible."

What do you do to relax?

"Relaxing is out of the window. How can I relax when Oxford getting destroyed? The time I will relax when I save Oxford and public is out of this chaos and public lives gets back to normal."

What is your favourite place?

"My favourite place at the moment is home because there's no peace outside home in Oxford because of LTNs."

Louise Brown - Conservative

Louise Brown.Louise Brown. (Image: Contribution.)

Do you think net migration into the UK should be reduced?

"Net migration reached 627,000 in the year to June 2023.

"That is too high, unsustainable and putting huge pressure on housing supply and public services.

"The Government will end the exploitation of the visa system, stop immigration from undercutting British workers, stop employers over-relying on migrant workers and ensure those who settle in the UK can financially support their families.

"These measures and the option of annual cap are designed to help return legal migration to pre-pandemic levels.

"This will ensure migration benefits the UK, and will still allow the NHS and innovative business to have access to the talent they need to succeed."

How would you improve access to healthcare in the UK?

"There were 50 million more GP appointments last year vs 2019.

"NHS funding is a record levels. There are 39,200 more doctors and 55,000 more nurses working in the NHS since 2010.

"The Government is investing in pharmacies to create 2M more GP appointments, and £200m in dental services to create 2.5m more dental appointments.

"We are increasing training places for nurses, doctors GPs and dentists, and improving culture to retain more staff.

"We are also using technology to modernise, opening diagnostic centres and opening new surgical hubs to offer patients access to operations."

Have LTNs had a positive impact on Oxford East constituents?

"Let’s be very clear, the conversations I have had with businesses, headteachers and residents and published evidence supports the argument that there are no benefits to the LTNs.

"Headteachers in East Oxford have expressed serious concerns to me about staff recruitment and retention, there are no health benefits to moving cars from one road to another, the infrastructure required to make a scheme like this effective is simply not there.

"The less able are penalised and carers and nurses can’t get to their patients.

"Where are the cycle lanes, free park and rides and regular bus services? The vibrant economy of Oxford East is suffering, residents can’t choose how they live, and businesses are losing money."

What do you do to relax?

My dogs, husband and three very grown-up children keep me sane. I am a bit obsessed with ‘spinning’ but I do love to read when seeking quieter moments."

What is your favourite place?

I actually don't have a favourite place.

"My mood, the weather, the time of day and the changing seasons can alter how I feel about a place, therefore moments are more important to me than places."

Sushila Dhall - Green Party 

Sushila Dhall.Sushila Dhall. (Image: Contribution.)

Do you think net migration into the UK should be reduced?

"The Tories have tried to turn us against people from other countries as it is a method for getting people to scapegoat vulnerable people and not look at what the government has done to increase inequality.

"The NHS is poorer because of all the staff we have lost from other countries since Brexit. Oxford is a vibrant, rich and diverse city because of being made up of people from countries all over the world.

"Oxford is a declared City of Sanctuary, and I support this pledge to make asylum seekers welcome, and allow them to work.

"In addition Greens will work for an end to Teresa May's cruel Hostile Environment Policy, and will provide safe routes to sanctuary for those fleeing war, persecution and danger."

How would you improve access to healthcare in the UK?

"Greens would pay doctors, nurses and NHS staff fairly, and increase taxes on the super-rich to fund our NHS properly.

"The Green Party has always defended the NHS against privatisation and always will. We are committed to a fully public health service, and believe that no public service should be run to make profits.

"Our proposals are to increase funding to GPs, to reinstate NHS dentists, restore local council budgets for public health, abolish wasteful competition in the NHS and restrict the use of commercial companies.

"Greens will aim for a steady reduction in waiting lists and rapid access to GPs - our fully costed plans will keep the NHS public and keep the expensive private sector out of National Health."

Have LTNs had a positive impact on Oxford East constituents?

"LTNs have had a mixed impact on Oxford East constituents.

"For people living and working in LTNs life, air quality, noise, and public space has improved.

"Children can go out to play safely, and cycling and walking have increased.

"For bus users and taxis, the increased traffic on arterial routes has made these forms of public transport slower and less reliable at peak times of day, which has led to upset and anger and a divided community.

"For drivers outside the LTNs, especially those who live where there is not enough public transport, journeys are taking longer - this is due to volumes of traffic.

"If it was only disabled people and their carers, delivery and emergency vehicles, work vans, taxis and buses driving on arterial routes, there would not be queues of cars holding them up and the streets would feel safer and more pleasant to walk and cycle in."

What do you do to relax?

"I have a very small garden which I work in to relax - it is crammed with plants to support birds and insects.

"When I go into my garden it is as if time stops and I am just in the present.

"I also like to listen to music and dance, and every evening I write in my journal.

"If I get a break I like to take a train to the sea and walk along the seafront. Bournemouth is closest and my senior railcard makes this more affordable. I only do this about once a year and mostly go for walks in Oxford to relax outside."

What is your favourite place?

"I love Oxford as it is a walkable and cyclable city.

"Within half an hour I can go anywhere -  to the river, to shops, to visit friends or walk in a park.

"But I have some favourite places I visit often including The Art Cafe on Bonn Square where I can sit outside and listen to music from the street musicians, Aleppo Falafels on Marston Street next to my work, the street markets in Oxford - all places which are diverse, lively and vibrant."

Anneliese Dodds - Labour

Anneliese Dodds.Anneliese Dodds. (Image: Newsquest.)

Do you think net migration into the UK should be reduced?

"Oxford is home to people from many backgrounds, and the better for it.

"However nationally, over recent years we've seen a very substantial increase in migration to fill gaps in the labour market.

"Rather than people coming from other countries to fill those gaps, at a time when more and more of our population are classified as unable to work, we should ensure that we better support people from our own country to fill those positions.

"Labour therefore believes that net migration should come down, and that this can be achieved through a range of measures including a proper skills strategy for the domestic population, linking overseas recruitment to new requirements to train and skill workers here in the UK, and a Fair Pay Agreement for social care."

How would you improve access to healthcare in the UK?

"Labour will put the NHS back on its feet and make it fit for the future.

"That means immediate measures and longer-term reform.

"As a first step, we will deliver an extra 40,000 appointments at evenings and weekends to beat the Tory backlog, paid for by clamping down on tax dodgers.

"We would also close a loophole in the taxation of private equity to pay for mental health experts in every secondary school, and far better access in communities to mental health services.

"We would double the number of CT and MRI scanners. In the longer term, we would turn our NHS towards much more of a focus on prevention, building on our commitments on smoking cessation and against obesity."

Have LTNs had a positive impact on Oxford East constituents?

"I understand why some residents are in favour of LTNs, due to their impact on producing quieter streets in the areas where they are introduced.

"This has made cycling and walking safer in some areas and preventing 'rat running'. However, my concern from the beginning of the roll-out of the LTNs is that they are a ‘stick’ which has been introduced without any ‘carrot’ or enabler of green transport, and that this has had negative impacts on those who are unable to cycle or walk to work, to use essential public services or to visit family.

"In addition, I have been concerned about LTNs’ ability to displace traffic onto arterial roads, alongside other contributors like the closure of Botley Road, increasing commuting into the city and increased numbers of delivery vehicles.

"I have written to the County Council and the Government repeatedly, pushing these issues. I made it clear that continuing with the roll-out of LTNs before bus prioritisation would worsen congestion, further negatively impact bus uptake, and increase division around active travel and public transport measures in Oxford’s communities.

"I have also made these points in Parliament. If we are to tackle the climate crisis, we have to ensure that everyone- including people on our council estates and on low incomes - can get from A to B and travel in a cleaner, greener way."

What do you do to relax?

"I enjoy spending time with my family in our great city.

"In the summer, hinksey pool is hard to beat for relaxation! I also really like taking part in our local park runs which have such a great community atmosphere; and failing that, stretching my legs by doing the 'three bridges' run (Folly Bridge, Donny Bridge and Iffley lock)."

What is your favourite place?

"There are so many wonderful parts of our city that are great to visit- from hidden natural gems like Aston's Eyot and Lye Valley to inspiring places like the Old Road campus and Leys tech campus.

"Probably my overall favourite place however relates to food- there are so many brilliant places to eat in Oxford but the crown has to go to Cafe Spice on Rose Hill!"

Brandon Luke French - Workers Revolutionary Party

Brandon Luke French.Brandon Luke French. (Image: Contribution.)

Do you think net migration into the UK should be reduced?

"Our policy is to end immigration controls. Britain’s immigration policies are deeply racist and exclusive.

"The other political parties want to restrict immigration to largely white, well-educated or wealthy individuals while keeping thousands of refugees fleeing war and hunger trapped in transit countries, many of which, like Lebanon and Jordan, are already hosting millions of refugees and lack the resources to integrate or care for them.

"Our population here in the UK is ageing rapidly and if we want to have public services like the NHS then we will need to address this demographic timebomb, which can only be addressed with realistic and fair immigration policies."

How would you improve access to healthcare in the UK?

"The governments cuts in funding the NHS and its refusal to pay doctors, nurses and other health staff a living wage has almost destroyed the NHS. We now face long waiting lists, a desperately overworked work force. Cuts in GP surgeries – all of which puts patients at risk.

"A massive funding program must immediately be made to the NHS to restore it once again to our 'jewel in the crown'.

"People in countries all over the world are fighting for free healthcare on the NHS model and we here need to fight to keep it."

Have LTNs had a positive impact on Oxford East constituents?

"While I have been out canvassing I have heard a lot from people about LTN's and none of it has been positive.

"They have made moving around the area more difficult, increased congestion and are impacting on public services.

"Not one person has had anything positive to say about them and even though I don't drive myself I have experienced the nightmare that is moving around Oxford as a passenger and on buses.

"I have heard from shopkeepers on Cowley Road about how measures such as LTN's and bus gates are destroying their businesses. I think the council needs to listen to the views of local people, which clearly they haven't."

What do you do to relax?

"I like listening to music and hanging around with my friends. I also enjoy going to the gym and travelling to new areas to explore."

What is your favourite place?

"My favourite is the estate I lived on as a child. I have so many memories there and many of my family and friends live there so I always see people I know out and about it’s a real community unlike a lot of areas."

David Henwood - Independent Oxford Alliance

David Henwood.David Henwood. (Image: Ed Nix.)
Do you think net migration into the UK should be reduced?

"I wholeheartedly support and welcome international students, I was one once, but didn’t take my mum.

"The recent surge in accompanying dependents necessitates a careful re-evaluation of this policy, as the 2030 goal of hosting 600,000 annual students has already been surpassed.

"While acknowledging the vital role these sectors play in attracting international talent, the influx of dependents presents a significant strain on local resources and infrastructure and should therefore be stopped, except for special circumstances."

On the wider issue of migration

"Firstly, The UK needs tighter border security, making it more difficult for illegal migrants to enter the country. This can involve increasing border patrol agents, using technology to monitor the border, and building physical barriers. If background checks prove inconclusive, illegal migrants should be detained.

"Secondly, we need to focus on immigration reform. This can involve creating an annual ‘capped’ path to citizenship for some migrants and asylum seekers who meet certain requirements, such as skills, paying taxes and passing a background check.

"Thirdly, we need to address the root causes of illegal immigration, such as poverty and violence at the country of origin. This can involve providing economic aid to these countries, repatriating a skilled workforce, investing in education and healthcare, and promoting democracy and human rights.

"By implementing a comprehensive strategy that addresses both security and the underlying causes of illegal immigration, the UK can foster a more secure and just society."

How would you improve access to healthcare in the UK?

"Firstly, we must address the long-standing issue of GP appointment availability by investing in increased staffing and training of GPs, expanding access to online consultations, and exploring models of care that leverage technology to manage non-urgent appointments.

"Simultaneously, we need to alleviate pressure on hospitals by investing in community-based healthcare services, empowering nurses and other healthcare professionals to provide more comprehensive care outside of hospital settings.

"This includes enhancing the role of pharmacists, promoting preventative healthcare initiatives, and expanding access to mental health services in both primary and secondary care.

"Furthermore, we must address the growing problem of health inequalities by tailoring healthcare services to the specific needs of underserved communities, including refugees, and those experiencing homelessness."

Have LTNs had a positive impact on Oxford East constituents?

"Combined with a downturn in cycling nationwide, the impact of the Oxford LTN scheme has been largely detrimental. Despite 2,400 people responding to the original consultation, with 63 per cent of people objecting to the plans, 10.8 per cent expressing concerns, and only 25.8 per cent supporting the scheme, the council used £17 million to implement a scheme that few wanted.

"The negative impacts are significant. Firstly, there are concerns regarding public health and well-being, longer car journeys have led to increased congestion and higher levels of pollution.

"The latest data shows residents living on peripheral roads are particularly vulnerable to increased illegal levels of pollutants along with pedestrians and cyclists who commute on or near the main roads.

"Secondly, businesses and livelihoods have been adversely affected, with no compensation package for those experiencing hardship due to the scheme.

"Many businesses across Oxford are facing significant challenges due to the LTN scheme, the further introduction of bus gates, an expansion of the Zero Emission Zone, and a workplace parking levy puts hundreds of businesses at risk of closure.

"Lastly, transportation measures including the LTN scheme could have a detrimental impact on housing. While the Oxford Local Plan aims to introduce new housing developments in neighboring district councils, poor connectivity within Oxford and the lack of new employment sites in the Oxford Local Plan could hinder economic growth, discouraging district councils from building new housing developments to meet the city's housing needs.

"Once the Bus gates and expanded ZEZ is in place the troubled Botley Road will be the only access to the city centre by private car. There are three natural pinch points, the traffic lights at Seacourt Tower, the old bridge, and the roundabouts that will grind traffic to a halt. As one-floor manager at John Lewis’s explained.

If elected as your MP for Oxford East, I will continue to object to the proposed bus gates and workplace parking levy (WPL). I will also fight for the removal of the undemocratically introduced LTN scheme."

What do you do to relax?

"I like to row on the river, climb or cycle."

What is your favourite place?

"Marugame village on the island of shikoku, Japan. I lived there for two years. I found true inspiration here, for making tings from simple materials."

Theodore Ernest Jupp

Theo Jupp.Theo Jupp. (Image: Contribution.)

Do you think net migration into the UK should be reduced?

"I think we should stop fixating on the migration figures and start making our immigration system fairer and more efficient.

"Net migration figures would come down under Lib Dem plans, but that’s not the central aim of our policy.

"By ending the Hostile Environment, replacing arbitrary salary thresholds with a merit-based system and tying in our immigration policy with long-term workforce strategies for each economic sector, we’ll unlock the full benefits of immigration while treating newcomers with respect and dignity."

How would you improve access to healthcare in the UK?

"The top priority is to improve access to primary care (GPs, dentists, pharmacists…) which represents 90 per cent of patient contact with the NHS.

"We’d recruit 8,000 new GPs, paid for by reforming capital gains tax and reversing the Tory tax cuts for the banks, introduce a universal online appointment booking system and make it easier for pharmacists to dispense generic equivalents to branded medicines.

"We’d also put a mental health professional in every state school and introduce free mental health checkups at key points in life.

"Finally, we’d provide free personal care to allow the elderly to live at home for longer."

Have LTNs had a positive impact on Oxford East constituents?

"LTNs have opened up safe walking and cycling routes through parts of the city where there used to be heavy traffic.

"That has benefited parents cycling to school with their children and I want to keep enabling them to do that without putting more cars on the road. We should bear in mind that LTNs aren’t set in stone and they will be improved and adapted to suit each neighbourhood’s needs — particularly once it becomes clear how congestion is affected by the traffic filters being switched on and the Botley Road closure being lifted later this year."

What do you do to relax?

"I am a keen photographer of urban landscapes. I only shoot on film, never digital, and I develop and darkroom print my films myself. Focusing my mind solely on the viewfinder allows me to put all distractions aside."

What is your favourite place?

"The Rusty Bicycle on Magdalen Road! Great food, great garden, community values. My favourite pizza is the Bee Sting."

Katherine Mary Longthorp - Party of Women

Katherine Longthorp.Katherine Longthorp. (Image: Contribution.)

Do you think net migration into the UK should be reduced?

"The surge in people entering this country is adding to the strain on our NHS and other resources. If they were actually all healthcare professionals, etc. it wouldn't be so bad but they're not, there are a huge number of dependents.

"School class sizes have been overflowing for a while and are getting worse and the NHS is still understaffed. With all these doctors entering the UK you'd think we'd have a surplus.2

How would you improve access to healthcare in the UK?

"Firstly I would work to restore clear and concise language because a major barrier in general is communication.

"Over recent years the NHS has moved to using confusing and discriminatory language by erasing the word 'woman' and replacing it with derogatory language such as 'people who menstruate', 'chestfeeders', and 'cervix havers'.

"This kind of language can be confusing to those with Autism and other learning disabilities, as well as those from whom English is not their first language.

"We need more GP surgeries which will take some strain off A&E.

"Often new housing estates are supposed to build new surgeries as part of their agreement but end up not doing so, they need to be held to account.

"The self-referral system should be expanded because it reduces some strain on GP surgeries. Hospitals need more parking because bus travel is not always possible or practical, especially if you're unwell, elderly, disabled, or don't live near a bus route, and NHS funding needs to be better managed."

Have LTNs had a positive impact on Oxford East constituents?

"My opinion is that LTNs have had a negative impact on Oxford East constituents. It seems that all they have done is move the traffic onto other roads and increase travel times.

"They disadvantage women more than men because often it is women who take their children to school.

"LTNs cause this already stressful task to take longer and if they go to work afterwards it can have a knock-on effect on their job. LTNs have also resulted in people having to be dropped off further away from their destination and walk the rest of way which poses an additional, and avoidable danger for women on their own at night.

"I believe residents should get a vote on LTNs and other systems that will have a significant impact on peoples’ lives."

What do you do to relax?

"To relax I like to spend time with my cats or my family. I also relax by painting Dungeons and Dragons miniatures, knitting, going to a pub with my dad, and playing video games."

What is your favourite place?

"My favourite place is probably my workplace. I work in a residential care home and seeing and talking to the residents and staff always makes me smile."

Jabu Nala-Hartley - Independent 

Jabu Nala-Hartley.Jabu Nala-Hartley. (Image: Contribution.)

Do you think net migration into the UK should be reduced?

"No: migration should meet the needs of the economy and the expectations of our humanity. That may mean the numbers going up.

"What we need is fair and safe routes to the UK where asylum claims can be properly, fairly and (very importantly) processed quickly. That would stop the boats and stop vulnerable Refugees being exploited by criminal gangs.

"The Conservatives, Labour and Reform are trying to con people that immigration is causing the crisis in health, education, education and other services.

"This is a lie. Migrants made and continue to sustain our NHS. Blaming migrants increases division and racism and lets the Tory government off the hook for decades of cuts and under-investment.

"The main crisis in the NHS for instance is that there are over 100,000 vacancies. East Oxford's diversity and vibrancy is a result of migration to these shores over many decades. I completely oppose the scapegoating of refugees, the vicious Rwanda scheme and the reopening of Campsfield Removal centre."

How would you improve access to healthcare in the UK?

"I support taxing the rich to fund our National Health service.

"I also support the ending of Private Finance Initiatives which are still bleeding our health service dry.

"Only these solutions will provide the enormous sums of money we need to return our health service to what is was when it was a world leading service. We need to properly join Social Care, Mental Health services and the NHS into one system that works for ordinary people and is free at the point of need."

Have LTNs had a positive impact on Oxford East constituents?

"LTNs have moved the pollution and traffic problem from one place to another and not actually solved the pollution problem. What has happened is that the pollution has just been made worse in some places.

"We have Ella’s Law and this has just managed to polarise communities. I understand the benefits for those enjoying them; but they were just imposed by the council without much consultation and this needs to happen.

"I understand working people need transport and often sadly the convenient is the car, so we must make it easier for traffic to leave rather than more difficult.

"I would like to see local people consulted on solutions (and indeed come up with them) in a series of local forums.

"I have spoken to carers who are struggling to make their appointments with all the road closures. The big multi-national corporations should be paying for the affects of climate change not the everyday working person. And we obviously need to rationalise our bus service.
"I call for a re-regulation of public  transport with a statutory first duty to passenger needs."

Andrew Smith - Rejoin EU 

Andrew Smith.Andrew Smith. (Image: Contribution.)

Do you think net migration into the UK should be reduced?

"I think migration should be changed.

"Why have we given up our freedom to live and work in Europe whilst increasing the number of people we let come to the UK? 

"Add to that the inability to return to France the refugees crossing in small boats and it is clear that Brexit created our migration problem rather than solving it. 

"I would reintroduce free movement with the EU, allowing you to work, or retire abroad, avoid the queues at airports and get free data roaming. 

"All that whilst allowing enough of our fellow Europeans to work here in support of our much needed public services."

How would you improve access to healthcare in the UK?

"There are two problems we have with our health service. 

"Not enough money going into the NHS and social care and note enough qualified people to look after us. 

"Rejoining the EU helps to solve both issues, by growing the economy to help pay for the healthcare and allowing European Doctors and Nurses to come here to help fill the vacancies."

Have LTNs had a positive impact on Oxford East constituents?

"I am broadly supportive of LTNs due to their environmental, health and social benefits.  However, to be successful they need to be combined with appropriate improvements to infrastructure and public transport and allow for limited vehicle use where there are no suitable alternatives. 

"The existing LTN in Oxford is far from perfect and I would like to engage with the community to agree what changes are necessary, whilst accepting that the broad principle is positive."

What do you do to relax?

"I love to spend time in my motorhome. The freedom to look at the weather forecast and, if it looks nice, simply to head off to the Cotswolds or New Forest, with my bike in the back, is my idea of paradise."

What is your favourite place?

"I have to say Goring in South Oxfordshire. 

"I was born there and, though I’ve lived elsewhere, there is something magical about driving over the Thames into Goring to come home."

The other two candidates standing for Oxford East are:

Zaid Marham - Workers Party

Benjamin Adams - Social Democratic Party

We made attempts to contact them but did not receive a response.