Relatives of a young construction worker who died at his Headington home earlier this year say intimate video footage had been circulating before his death.

Nebio Da Costa Martins, originally from East Timor, was 21-years-old and had been living in the UK with his father for around 18 months when he died in February.

Oxford Coroner's Court heard on Monday his death - which was ruled as suicide during the inquest - occurred following a relationship breakdown.

His relatives alleged in court that intimate video footage of Nebio and his partner had been circulated online by a third party without his knowledge in the weeks or months before he died. 

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The court also heard that Nebio may have faced some financial difficulties and had owed more than £2,000 in rent.

But his family told Oxfordshire assistant coroner Nicholas Graham that they believed this was not the key reason for his death - particularly as he shared the rental costs with his father. 

The court heard 21-year-old Nebio Da Costa Martins was found in his home by his cousin on January 29, 2024. 

Other family members administered first aid including CPR at the house, with his distressed cousin waiting outside before paramedics arrived. 

Mr Graham said the medical team had "managed to get some circulation going by the time he got to hospital".

Nebio was admitted to the John Radcliffe Hospital with a severe hypoxic brain injury, from a lack of oxygen caused by hanging, and his condition did not improve, the court was told.

The inquest heard through a statement from a John Radcliffe Hospital intensive care consultant, that Nebio did not have a significant medical history nor was he on any medications. 

The doctor's report said, because there was "quite a period of time when his heart had stopped working" - estimated at between 30 and 50 minutes - the medical team felt he may have had "an un-survivable brain injury".  

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The statement said a further CT scan on February 1 revealed changes consistent with severe hypoxic brain injury, and said the team spoke to Nebio's family with plans to wait for his mother to arrive from abroad before life support was turned off.

The court heard this was not possible. 

A scan on February 4, 2024, showed the young man had suffered brain stem death and the family made the decision to disconnect the ventilator later that day.

Mr Graham said: "This is a very sad case of a very young man with his whole life before him."

He also offered his condolences to the family through a translator. 

A statement from police said the young man had a "difficult relationship with his partner".

Mr Graham accepted that call logs revealed "numerous lengthy phone calls in the days preceding his death". 

He also said photos had been recovered from Nebio's phone of him "practicing" his death the day before he was found. 

Mr Graham said there was no suggestion of anything suspicious, and said the circumstantial evidence of how Nebio was discovered and his emotional distress, pointed to the conclusion of suicide. 

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