A landfill site has written an open letter to householders after a spike in odour complaints caused an investigation to be launched.

The Environment Agency said in a statement nine days ago that the odour coming from the FCC Environment landfill site between Appleford and Sutton Courtenay “could take several months” until the odour is controlled.

The smell is coming from contaminated water in the operational area of the landfill site which needs to be removed as a “priority”, said the Environment Agency.

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In May, 130 reports were made about an odour coming from the site.

The Environment Agency classified it as a “significant odour incident” and said it would ensure the FCC “comply with their permit and resolve this situation as quickly as possible”.

The open letter from FCC Environment reads: “Firstly, to reassure you, FCC Environment is one of the UK’s largest recycling and waste management businesses.

“We are committed to environmental best practice when dealing with the household and business waste that our society creates.

“Being a big business gives us the resources we need to manage waste efficiently but we also pride ourselves on being local and a good neighbour to the communities within which we operate.

“As you are aware, we have been updating your elected council representatives regarding the works being undertaken on site, and they also attended a site tour on Friday, June 7.

Residents have complained after odour complaints Residents have complained after odour complaints (Image: Google Maps) “In addition we had the community liaison group meeting on Monday June, 10 and your local councillors representatives attended.

“FCC are currently undertaking a large area of engineered capping and works to facilitate our ongoing operations on site.

“All these works, are ongoing and have been discussed and agreed with the Environment Agency.

“FCC realises a number of complaints have been made and FCC staff continue to carry out daily monitoring on site using specialist monitoring equipment, and several odour inspections are completed each day off site. 

“Feedback from our investigations into each complaint have been fed back to the Environment Agency.”

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An action plan has been produced to deal with the contaminated water, being described as "ponded leachate", and ensure it is removed.

An Environment Agency spokesperson said:  “Our investigation has confirmed that the FCC landfill at Sutton Courtenay is the main source for the increase in odours being reported to us in recent months.

“Following our investigation on site, we have classified this as a significant odour incident and we will ensure the operator, FCC, comply with their permit and resolve this situation as quickly as possible.

“The operator, FCC have produced an action plan to remove ponded leachate and prevent further spread. We will check progress and inspect the site weekly to ensure this issue is resolved urgently.

“To report an odour issue, call the Environment Agency pollution hotline on 0800 807060”.