A JURY is due to retire in the trial of a man accused of sexually assaulting a young girl.

Shane King, 45, is standing trial at Oxford Crown Court charged with five counts of sexual assault of a girl under-13 and two charges of voyeurism.

The offences were allegedly committed between January 2019 and January 2020 against a young girl who cannot be named for legal reasons.

READ MORE: 'I had enough of him touching me everyday,' says young girl in sexual assault trial

King, formerly of Cherwell Avenue, Kidlington, has denied the offences.

During the trial this week, it was heard that the girl told police King had allegedly abused the girl for a period of year since she ‘started producing breasts’.

She said: “He would softly stroke his hands down the back and he would do the area…the butt…and then back up.

“He was mostly, like, stroking it [sic]. I felt really uncomfortable. I would just push him from his chest.

When asked about her feelings towards King, the girl said: “Mostly I have hate towards him. There’s not really any love there.”

READ MORE: Two men in court charged with the alleged rape of a child

King denied the offences and stated the allegations were a conspiracy between the young girl and her relatives.

The jury are due to retire after Judge Ian Pringle sums up the facts of the case and provides legal directions.

It is unknown how long it will take for them to reach a verdict on the charges.