The latest court cases in Oxford Magistrates' Court:


ROY SINCLAIR, 55, of Dashwood Road, Oxford, was found guilty of one count of causing harassment, alarm or distress using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour and the offence was racially/religiously aggravated on July 23 last year in Oxford. He was fined £200 and ordered to pay £100 in compensation. There were court costs of £85 and a victim surcharge of £80.

REBECCA SPRATLEY, 34, of Greencroft Gardens, Reading, pleaded guilty to drink driving in Oxford on February 11 this year with 50 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath. He was disqualified from driving for 12 months, reduced by three months, and fined £576. There were court costs of £300 and a victim surcharge of £230.

HERMIONE HICHENS, 20, of Hardys Barn and Langford, Lechlade, pleaded guilty to two counts of assaulting an emergency worker, namely two police officers, on April 6 this year in Market Square, Bampton. She also pleaded guilty to one count of assault by beating on April 27 this year in Lechlade. She was given a community order to abstain from alcohol for 120 days and was made subject to a curfew and electronic monitoring for five months. She also needs to complete six months of mental health treatment and to pay £100 in compensation. There were no other orders for costs.

CARYS HAYES, 23, of Fitzharrys Road, Abingdon, pleaded guilty to two counts of causing harassment, alarm or distress using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour on December 1 last year. They were given a period of conditional discharge for 12 months. There were no orders for costs.

LEVI GREY, 36, of Wendover Road, Stoke Mandeville, pleaded guilty to one count of assault by beating in Thame on December 2 last year, one count of being drunk and disorderly in a public place, namely High Street, Oxfordshire, on the same day, and one count of driving while disqualified in Bicester on March 13 this year. He also pleaded guilty to four counts of criminal damage on December 2 last year in Thame. He damaged a window to the value of £70 belonging to Thatch Public House, a Ford Fiesta to an unknown value, a Mazda motor car to the value of £188.53, and a SEAT Alhambra motor car to the value of £1,900. He was fined £1,721 and ordered to pay £2,258.53 in compensation. There was also a victim surcharge of £688.

DANIEL BOWEN, 37, of Prospect Road, Banbury, pleaded guilty to driving while disqualified in Bicester on March 13 this year. He was given a community order to complete 30 days of a specified programme and five days of rehabilitation activity days. He was also ordered to complete 80 hours of unpaid work and six penalty points were added to his driving record. There were court costs of £85.

JOHN LEE, 46, of West Wellow, Romsey, pleaded guilty to driving while disqualified in Kidlington on February 29 this year. He was given a community order to complete 40 hours of unpaid work and was disqualified from driving for six months. There were court costs of £85 and a victim surcharge of £114.