A FIRST court hearing has taken place for a man accused of assaulting a young girl in Didcot.

Martin Brookes, of Lincoln Gardens, Didcot, appeared at Oxford Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday (June 25) charged with two counts of assaulting a girl under 13 by touching and two counts of being an offender over 18 causing or inciting a girl under 12 to engage in sexual activity.

READ MORE: Man accused of sending sexual messages to 'children' online

The 64-year-old has been accused of kissing the girl, who was 10 at her youngest during the alleged offending, as well as putting her hands down his trousers.

Brookes is now next due to appear in Oxford Crown Court on July 26.

If guilty, Brookes could face a custodial prison sentence and/or a Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO).