A new youth hub is planned to open in Blackbird Leys by the end of this year after £1.2m funding was secured for the facility to open.

Oxfordshire County Council has secured the funding for the new youth facilities at Leys Pool and Leisure Centre which will include a social area, quiet rooms, a professional kitchen, music and digital space and a climbing wall.

It will also fund youth workers to help youngsters get the most out of the hub and expand upon the city council's current 'Youth Ambition' scheme, which runs youth activities locally.

This news comes as a Freedom of Information Request revealed that 19 youth centres in the South East region previously operated by Oxfordshire County Council closed between 2010/11 and 2022/23.

The request also revealed that there were no youth centres operated by Oxfordshire County Council open at the end of the 2022 and 2023 financial year.

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Oxfordshire County Council responded to this request and announced that it will be opening a new youth hub in Blackbird Leys in partnership with Oxford City Council. 

An Oxfordshire County Council spokesperson said: "In 2010 and 2011, youth centres were part of the cuts made by a previous administration, during very difficult financial circumstances for the whole country.

"Since that time, Oxfordshire County Council has prioritised funding for youth services.

"The targeted youth support service does not work specifically from any of the council buildings, but works dynamically within communities and schools to prevent escalation of issues experienced by our young people aged 11 to 18 years.

"We value the partnerships we have with the community and voluntary sector and work hard to support young people at the right time and from the right place.

"Our work focuses on young people being resilient adults and making positive choices for themselves as they become more independent, as well allowing them to use their voice to lead change in the future locally.

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"In partnership with Oxford City Council we have gained funding to place a new youth hub in Blackbird Leys, which should be opening at the end of the year and will give many young people new opportunities to access positive activities and learn new skills for life."

Blackbird LeysBlackbird Leys (Image: Oxford Mail)

Linda Smith, city councillor for Blackbird Leys and cabinet member for housing and communities, said: "The new youth hub at the Leys Leisure Centre is going to be a fantastic new community asset for Blackbird Leys.

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"When I knock on doors in Blackbird Leys so many residents tell me that there is nothing for young people to do, and they worry about them getting involved in drugs and anti-social behaviour, this investment is a solid investment in our young people and in our community."

City Councillor Linda Smith (Image: Oxford City Council)

Lubna Arshad, cabinet member for a safer Oxford and City Councillor for Blackbird Leys, said: "We’re excited about the chance to offer more activities and youth worker support to young people in Oxford.

"These out-of-school opportunities can significantly improve wellbeing, mental health, and engagement in education.

"I’m pleased to see this plan also highlighting innovative uses for our centres to benefit local communities."