A witty fake planning notice has been spotted attached to a lamp-post in Oxford.

The poster, which looks authentic, reads: "Planning application - Demolition of the existing East Oxford Conservative Club. In its place the erection of a new three-storey building with a metal fascia, featuring LED backlit lighting to display the new name: East Oxford Labour Club."

It goes on: "It has been predicted that the Conservative and Unionist Party will face a humiliating defeat at this year’s general election which will result in the death of said party and the closure of this club.

"Hence the reason for an application to apply for the immediate demolition of the current building and the subsequent rebuild.

READ MORE: General election: Latest poll predicts huge losses for Tories

"Reason for notice: We’re not sure. Keir Starmer may know."

Injecting a bit of fun into a long election campaign, it adds: "Comments cannot be treated as confidential “including your name, address, addresses of all your previous lovers, your personal hygiene habits and internet search engine history and will be made available for inspection on the council’s website for employees to view during their lunch breaks".

City councillor Emily Kerr said: "I was amused and impressed at how convincing the fake planning application notice was.

"The Tories are toast and while I think it could also have been an 'application' for the Green Party given how many councillors we now have here,  I thought it was very witty regardless."

She added: "Best of luck to everyone standing from whatever party, and I hope in the future we have a fairer electoral system such a PR which will allow all voters in the city to have their voices represented on the council whether they’re Green, Labour, Lib Dem, Tory or otherwise!"