An Oxford University College has bid farewell to a beloved pet tortoise this month after she died at what is believed to be the age of 100.  

Plum's age was never certified, the female Hermann Tortoise having been discovered under a plum tree before being gifted to Trinity College in 2008 alongside her friend, another female Hermann, called Toby. 

Plum had a "small but fitting memorial service" after passing away earlier in June, and is buried in the college. 

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A college spokesperson said: "Plum was actually quite a sociable tortoise who often seemed to enjoy a good tickle under the chin.

"It was lovely when students and visiting students got excited about meeting the College tortoise and treated her like a revered elder member of our community.

Plum balances a cucumber on her shellPlum balances a cucumber on her shell (Image: Trinity College) "She had quite a turn of speed on her when she wanted and people would always be surprised at how quickly she could make her way across our large lawns, with a determined look on her face." 

While most of the year was spent sleeping and eating lettuce and strawberries, once a year Plum and Toby would attend a race with the other College tortoises, where a College spokesperson said they had to "fight off male admirers as well as chase around for lettuce". 

The College said Toby was found hugged around Plum in the morning when she died. 

They added: "Tortoises are enigmatic creatures and we are trying to work out if she is grieving or just enjoying not sharing her food."