Car tyres have been deflated in Oxford neighbourhoods as activists behind the crime say they are taking action due to the "climate emergency".

Tyres have been targeted in the Iffley Fields area of the city with a member of the global Tyre Extinguishers group behind it.

The culprit then distributed a flyer which said "we have deflated one or more of your tyres".

A flyer was distributed to the east Oxford victim.A flyer was distributed to the east Oxford victim. (Image: Contribution.)

The Tyre Extinguishers group describes itself as a "leaderless, autonomous movement of groups that act independently".

READ MORE: Oxford East MP criticises LTN rollout due to 'congestion'

It lists a step-by-step guide on its website outlining "how to deflate an SUV tyre" and then provides a copy of a flyer in multiple languages that can be distributed following the offence.

East Oxford Cowley Road trader Amir Steve Ali, who is standing as an Independent for the General Election, said: "SUV drivers pay road tax like everyone else.

Amir Steve Ali.Amir Steve Ali. (Image: Ed Nix.)

"Some people might need to use their car to pick up an elderly person and will be left stranded as a result of these actions.

"This is not the right way of trying to do good for the environment.

"It is a cowardly act and if they are brave enough they will stop playing hide and seek."

An Iffley Fields resident, who did not wish to be named, said: "The Green Party and other vocal anti-car campaigners are likely to have had an unintentional hand in creating this situation.

SUVs are larger cars.SUVs are larger cars. (Image: Pexels.)

"The effect of the divisive anti-car rhetoric around Oxford over recent years has evolved from just turning neighbours against each other, for example in conflict over the LTNs, into actual vigilantism on the streets."

The resident went on to say someone had deflated one of his rear tyres "a number of years ago" and he nearly had an accident on the dual carriageway with his two young daughters in the vehicle, not realising what had happened to the car.

He added: "I appreciate and agree with a lot of the Green party policies, but I am afraid that their values are being hijacked, distorted and used as an excuse for criminal behaviour."

Oxford East candidate Sushila Dhall, of the Green Party, said: "The Green Party never condones violence against people, places or objects, and I am sad to hear that there are those who would seek to link us to violent and cruel actions that we would neither do nor support.

Sushila Dhall.Sushila Dhall. (Image: Contribution.)

"It is criminal to attack people's cars and does not change thinking. In fact it further polarises the whole debate.

"Also this kind of violence is a slippery slope. Violence can beget violence - apart from being (rightly) unlawful, it frightens, upsets and angers people."

St Mary's ward Green councillor Emily Kerr said: "SUVs cause the most road danger and are worse for the environment due to weight and size.

Emily Kerr.Emily Kerr. (Image: Oxford City Council.)

"The Green Party wants to reduce the negative externalities of SUV usage in cities using the powers available to councils - which is why we have previously proposed a motion which would introduce higher parking charges for SUVs.

"This has been successful in cities including Paris. 

"I don't condone the actions of the international organisation Tyre Extinguishers and would encourage people who are concerned about the impact of SUVs to engage in campaigns to reduce the harm of these vehicles through legal means."