You can never say that members of Women’s Institutes in Oxfordshire don’t enjoy themselves.

Members of Duns Tew WI in Picture 1 had great fun when they staged a colourful pageant tracing the history of Britain.

As you will see, among those who took part were Cardinal Wolsey, King Henry VIII and his six wives.

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The pageant took place in 1971 in the grounds of Priory Court, home of Petronella Trustram Eve.

Kitchen and garden produce filled every corner of Exeter Hall, Kidlington, in 1985 when the WI held its produce day.

Jan Ricketts, Ivy Clinkard and Bertina Long, from Weston-on-the-Green WI, are seen in Picture 2 with the ‘Season of Mists and Mellow Fruitfulness’ display which won them the Produce Shield.

The prize for the best flower arrangement went to Marilyn Garrett, from Steeple Aston WI.

County WI secretary Joan Mittell said: “This year, it is bigger and better than ever. I have never known it to be so well supported and the standard of entry has been incredibly high.”

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Press officer Nancy Gieve added: “The hall looked absolutely lovely. We had a lot of visitors during the day.”

Picture 3 shows past and present members of the Baldons WI as they celebrated their ruby anniversary in 1976.

They cut a celebration cake, enjoyed a buffet supper and described highlights in the branch’s history.

Tree planting has been a popular pastime for WI members, to brighten up their towns and villages.

Picture 4 shows members at Cumnor celebrating their golden jubilee in 1974 by planting a golden leaf Norway maple. President Nona Knott and longest serving member Gertrude Bennett are seen with the spade.

(Image: Oxford Mail) Didcot members, in Picture 5, presented two rose bushes to Didcot Hospital in 1988 to mark the 40th anniversary of the WI Denman College at Marcham, near Abingdon, and the 70th anniversary the following year of the Oxfordshire Federation of WIs.

Hospital manager Heather-Jane Sears is seen planting the bushes as members look on.

She told them: “We are delighted to have community involvement. It makes patients feel that the community cares for them, and gives them a better environment and helps them to recover more quickly.”

Branch president Ellen Watson said: “We thought it would be nice to help our own hospital and give patients something to look at.”

In Picture 6, taken at Ducklington, near Witney, in 1975, the hard work was done by president Sheila Strainge, left. with help from past president Betty Causer.

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About the author 

Andy is the Trade and Tourism reporter for the Oxford Mail and you can sign up to his newsletters for free here. 

He joined the team more than 20 years ago and he covers community news across Oxfordshire.

His Trade and Tourism newsletter is released every Saturday morning. 

You can also read his weekly Traffic and Transport newsletter.