TWO young men have avoided jail after they were caught breaking into a friend’s home and stealing designer items.

Liam Quilty, 20, and Benjamin Hall, 18, were sentenced at Oxford Crown Court on Friday (June 21) for one count of burglary dwelling and theft.

The court heard the pair had broken into a home in Pear Tree Walk, Carterton in the early hours of September 9 last year.

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They made off with a Trapstar designer jacket and bag and three pairs of Air Jordan trainers. The items were never recovered.

Quilty and Hall claimed the victim owed them about £300 which was why they broke into his home but have since expressed remorse for their actions.

Recorder John Bate-Williams handed them both suspended sentences.

During the sentencing, it was heard that the pair had been out drinking before deciding to burgle the home with Hall climbing through an open window and letting Quilty in the front door at about 6am.

The pair had tried to conceal their faces with their t-shirts but were known to the victim and his mother, who described it as being ‘obvious’ who the offenders were.

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As they were grabbing items from the victim’s room, Quilty was described as becoming ‘agitated’ and ‘grabbed’ the victim.

He could be heard making threats which the complainant’s mother described as ‘menacing’.

Meanwhile, Hall kept apologising and hugged the victim’s mother before leaving the property.

In a victim impact statement, the complainant’s mother wrote that her family are now ‘scared’ following the break-in.

She said: “I’m hoping to put this incident behind me and that justice will be served for the impacts their actions have had on me and my family.”

Defending the young men, their barrister explained they both had ‘difficulties’ at home and described the offending as something ‘influenced by intoxication and a lack of consequential thinking’.

“It appears neither of them really thought about what they were doing,” he said.

Quilty, of Chetwynd Mead, Bampton, was given a 12-month sentence, suspended for 18 months plus 30 days of an accredited program, 10 rehabilitation activity days, and 90 hours of unpaid work.

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Hall, of Farmers Close, Witney, was given an eight-month sentence, suspended for 18 months plus 40 rehabilitation activity days and 70 hours of unpaid work.

They were both also made subject to a restraining order.

After sentencing, Recorder Bate-Williams added: “You need to understand that if you have been older, the sentence would have been longer and immediate.”