A man who claims to have been in prison has gone viral after telling a Sky News reporter he 'can't get a job' - because of immigration. 

The man, identified as Jason and who was unemployed and looking for work at the time of the interview, goes on to reveal that he has served time for 'assault'. 

Sky News were conducting vox-pop-style interviews of members of the public in the neighbouring town of Swindon to get views from locals on how they felt about immigration

They approached multiple people, including Jason, who told them: "I can't get a job, they come to this country and they can get a job, just like that."

The Sky News reporter asks him: "So when you apply what do they say to you?"

Jason answers: "Well I've got a criminal record."

He later says it was for 'assault' and that he has been out of prison for three years now. 

The reporter then challenges him, asking "So you blame immigrants, rather than your criminal record?"

"Yeah," was his response. 

The clip has been shared thousands of times on X with many pointing out that it seems unfair for Jason to blame immigrants for his situation.

One Twitter user said: "The one with a criminal record is the best. blames all but himself.  That's the attitude of a winner, keep it up."

Another added: "Not an English man with a criminal record blaming immigration as to why he can’t get a job instead of his criminal record."

Other people questioned by Sky News on their views of immigration included business owner Jamie Carash, who said: "In some places you to go in the UK, you're kind of an outsider in your own country."

He added: "But I took two of them on a well, their work ethic is better than most of my guys."

Local resident Christine said: "We do need people from round the world to help with certain jobs. 

"I live near a farming community and they're really struggling with trying to get people to come in."

Car wash owner Fazlumenallah Azizi, himself an immigrant, told the report that he thought too many people were coming to the UK. 

He said: "If you go to the hospital right now, you have to wait three or four hours."

Emma George, from Francis George Solicitor-Advocate said that the anti-immigrant sentiment actually made her feel 'quite sad'. 

She added: "And quite frightened, actually, for the future, because I feel it's all very negative. Immigration can be a really positive thing.