A BURGLARY trial has started at Oxford Crown Court where a man has been charged with breaking into a Banbury home.

Clive English is accused of breaking into a home in Broad Gap, Bodicote, near Banbury, on November 24, 2021 with the intent of stealing.

The 36-year-old was allegedly with another man who has not been identified. However, he has denied the offence and stated he was not in the area at the time.

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During the trial opening on Thursday (June 20), the court heard that the homeowner had returned at about 7pm and could hear noises.

She called out and heard a shout before a man came running out of the house. She called the emergency services and whilst she was on the phone, a second man came running from the home.

Both offenders were wearing masks so the homeowner was unable to describe their looks. However, both men had left the property in a car and she caught the registration plate number.

Later that day, the car was tracked just outside of Banbury and was followed to Chipping Norton.

Officers pulled the vehicle over to find two women in the front, one of whom was driving, and English as a rear passenger.

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He was arrested for the burglary but denied being involved and stated he had ‘just been picked up’ by the women in the car.

Meanwhile, crime scene investigators had attended the home to find a ‘messy search’ had been carried out but nothing had been taken.

They established that Adidas trainer marks had been left in the home, the same model the defendant was allegedly wearing on arrest.

A mark left on a magazine on the top floor of the property allegedly matched the right shoe English had on later that day.

English’s phone was seized by officers and it was established that his device had allegedly connected with several phone masts near the property that was burgled around the same time.

However, English denied that he had been wearing the shoes, having his phone, or being near Bodicote at about 7pm that evening.

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English was charged with one count of burglary with intent to steal and one count of possession of a controlled drug after two Valium pills were allegedly found in his back pocket during arrest.

The trial of English, of Florida Street, Oldham, Greater Manchester, continues.

It is expected to last two to three days. He is standing alone and it is unknown if his co-defendant has been identified and charged in relation to the offence.