EF International Language Campuses (ILC) Oxford has joined forces with the Oxford Climate Awards and relaunched its EF Green Team.

The relaunch is part of a drive to promote sustainability and community involvement.

The partnership, which includes Oxford City Council and Climate Action Oxfordshire, showcases EF Oxford’s commitment to acknowledging and rewarding local champions who make valuable contributions to the battle against climate change.

EF Oxford employs a range of educational initiatives to encourage environmental stewardship and social responsibility among its staff, host families, and students, who come from around the globe to EF Oxford to learn English through language classes and cultural immersion.

As part of its ongoing commitment to environmental stewardship, EF Oxford has revitalised its EF Green Team, which took part in the UK's most significant celebration of community action against climate change, The Great Big Green Week.

The EF Green Team is a collective of students, host families, staff, and educators who are committed to promoting sustainable practices at EF Oxford, with a particular focus on reducing its carbon footprint and raising environmental awareness.

A number of events were held as part of The Great Big Green Week  (Image: Supplied)

Director of student services at EF Oxford, Rachel Caldas, said: "We are thrilled to support the Oxford Climate Awards and honour those making a difference in our community.

"It's inspiring to see the collective efforts towards sustainability.

"In addition, the EF Green Team is a fantastic opportunity for our campus community to come together and make a tangible impact.

"We are excited to see the innovative ideas and actions that will emerge from this team."

Following the relaunch, the first initiative of EF Oxford's Green Team was to organise several events for The Great Big Green Week, which ran from June 10 to 16.

In recognition of the UK's largest celebration of community efforts to tackle climate change and protect nature, EF Oxford's activities aimed to involve and educate students and staff on sustainable living practices.

The Great Big Green Week's main events were a vegan and vegetarian food taste test and discussion on diet’s environmental impact, a screening of the documentary "Eating our Way to Extinction", a carbon footprint challenge, a conversation with EF's Director of Sustainability, a Street & Park Clean-Up in the Headington Hill area, and a campus-wide Second-hand Swap.

As a branch of EF Education First, EF ILC Oxford's mission is centred on opening the world through education, trying to unite people, foster empathy, and promote cross-cultural understanding.

For more information about EF ILC Oxford and opportunities to get involved, including serving as a host family, please contact rachel.caldas@ef.com or visit https://www.ef.co.uk/host.