An Oxfordshire police officer is fundraising to save the dog he first rescued after being called to an illegal hare coursing incident in the county

South Oxon and Vale of the White Horse response officer Nick Fisher first met Chase, the lurcher, when he was one of the attending officers at the incident on farmland in South Oxfordshire. 

Chase has well and truly transformed from the malnourished dog who was left behind, riddled with fleas and wounds, but he now has another fight on his hands. 

The six-year-old has been diagnosed with high grade canine lymphoma which has now spread throughout his body.

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Mr Fisher said: "Although every dog has their own unique personality, I’ve never met one who is quite like Chase.

"He’s a clumsy boy with a heart of gold and considering the life he came from he settled in very quickly to normal family life.

"He’s a bit too big to be a lap dog but that doesn’t stop him from coming to sit on you to give you a cuddle!"

The family is aiming to have Chase complete a six-month chemotherapy protocol providing his blood results indicate he is well enough prior to each appointment.

Poor Chase when he was first found at the scene.Poor Chase when he was first found at the scene. (Image: Nick Fisher)

Mr Fisher said: "It’s still in the early stages at the moment so the exact scheduling and dosages is yet to be determined however it will be supported with oral steroids and anti-sickness medication which we will administer at home.

"The aim is to knock the cancer into remission so he can get back to enjoying life again.

"Although Chase has always been on the lazier side of life, he is very much not himself at the moment.

"He doesn’t have the energy to play with Lilo our Italian Greyhound and won’t even eat treats anymore which is quite upsetting to see."

The family has set an initial target of £2500 to fundraise through their GoFundMe link, however the vet fees are likely to range between £6000-£8000.

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Mr Fisher said if they reach the first target they might raise the goal - with anything left over to go to charities to help combat canine lymphoma.

The hope is that treatment will allow Chase to get back outside for walks with his best friend Lilo and experiencing the life a dog should. 

Lilo and Chase are the best of friends. Lilo and Chase are the best of friends. (Image: Nick Fisher)

Although the cancer cannot be cured, the family wants to do everything it can to knock it into remission.

Mr Fisher said, unfortunately, there were no convictions following the hare coursing incident in 2019 although a vehicle was seized alongside Chase, "which would have disrupted future criminality taking place".

Mr Fisher said: "Alongside the suffering it causes to animals, hare coursing also causes thousands of pounds of damage to crops which are the farmer’s livelihoods. 

"Farmers can help disrupt this by blocking less frequently used entrances to their fields and utilising rural crime WhatsApp groups and by calling 999 to report ongoing incidents."