We put some Q&As to the candidates standing to be Witney's next MP to get some further insight into their plans.

Barry Ingleton, an independent MP candidate for Witney, has said he "knows the odds are stacked against him".

Q: Why are you standing?

My need to support people came from a number of years of growing up in a bedsit, not having a place to cook, no bathroom, or sufficient space, and seeing the consequences of not having a home.

My understanding of the need for a voice comes from my mum telling me how she felt powerless and dismissed as we moved around the country trying to find a home.

My need to improve education came from changing schools over a dozen times before the age of 10.

Q: Why do you say you are the candidate that knows about business?

My fascination for business started when I was 10 years old, making and selling bird tables and planters to family, friends, and those that lived in my street. I later became a cabinetmaker and designer.

My work ethic and systematic approach were created as a teenager while working on a chicken farm with 5000 chickens. How do you collect 5,000 eggs in 2 hours?

Q: What do you say to people who say it's 'impossible' for you to win?

My determination to do the impossible and prove myself came when I left school, and the parting words with my head of year were, “I'm sure you will plod through life.” Either inspiring words motivate or underestimate someone who knows the struggles of growing up but uses them as a platform of success rather than an opportunity to opt out.

Q: What do you do for fun?

At peace and in my element when with my child, a lover of all things handcrafted and artistic, a wannabe chef, painter, and model maker, and a fan of Liverpool football club since 1989. A past reader of religious history and theology and fascinated with what you can learn from ants and their amazing community, yes, I have my own ant farm.

Q: Why should people vote for you?

I have a diverse range of experiences, knowledge, and skills about how to navigate services and support needs with a creative mind that allow me to do a lot with not a lot. All of this will allow me to represent the whole community with a deep understanding of what is important and needed within our communities and lives.