A debate will be held tomorrow evening (Thursday, June 20) in Oxford by campaign group Make Votes Matter who are calling for changes to the UK's electoral system ahead of the general election.

The debate will be led by speakers Oxford Professor Danny Dorling, Green prospective parliamentary candidate Sushila Dhall and Ann Black of Labour Campaign for Electoral Reform.

The question 'can proportional representation deliver a better democracy?' will be debated at 7pm at the Baptist Church in Bonn Square.

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Make Votes Matter is a national, cross-party campaign backing Proportional Representation, which is an electoral system in which parties gain seats in proportion to the number of votes cast for them.

The group are holding the debate because they believe that First Past The Post, the UK’s current electoral system, skews the results in every constituency, which is why they are urging "local people to call on their MP and their communities to back Proportional Representation".

The group claim that prospective parliamentary candidates of all parties are calling for Proportional Representation.

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A spokesman for Make Votes Matter said: "The idea of a minority ruling over the majority goes against our most basic ideas about democracy.

"But with First Past the Post, it's the norm.

"For about 90 per cent of the time since 1935 we've had single-party 'majority' governments, but not one of them had the support of a majority of voters.

"In the 2019 election The Conservatives gained an extra 48 seats despite an increase of only 1.2 per cent of the vote share."