The registered manager of a home care service based near Wantage has been recognised at the Dementia Care Awards.

Kam Gill, who works at Walfinch home care Oxfordshire, won the Dementia Care Registered Manager Award at the annual event held in London.

It recognises care leaders who help to enhance the lives of those living with dementia.

She said: “I was delighted and honoured to accept this award which reflects the hard work and dedication of every member of our team at Walfinch Oxfordshire.

"We are always looking for ways to brighten everyone’s day and if we can encourage someone with dementia or other complex care needs to raise a smile then we know we have succeeded.”

Walfinch Oxfordshire employs 30 carers who support 50 home-based clients.

A recent survey highlighted 100 per cent of its carers “felt part of the team”, which Ms Gill said is important because "a happy team provides better care".

She continued: "For us, it’s not just about meeting clients' physical needs, but their social, emotional and mental wellbeing too.

"We organise interactive activities which have included cooking and a dog therapy visit for a dementia client."

Walfinch Oxfordshire also hosts community activities, such as free weekly art and craft classes.

She added: "Dementia clients and their carers can look forward to finding company and engagement with activities.

"Our community classes effectively extends care not just to individuals, but to the whole community.”