A JURY has been discharged in the trial of a woman accused of indecently assaulting a young boy in the early 1990s.

Josephine Wagner, 74, was on trial at Oxford Crown Court charged with three counts of indecent assault on a boy, three counts of indecency with a child, and one count of indecency with or towards a child.

The alleged offences took place in Didcot during the late 1990s. She is accused of masturbating the child, who was about nine years old, as well as encouraging him to touch her, stating she was ‘teaching’ him about sex.

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However, Wagner denied the offences.

During the trial, the alleged victims said: “I’m not lying mate, I’ve got no reason to lie about what happened to me. This is hard for me.

“I’m sat in front of 12 strangers telling stuff that’s intimate to me and it breaks my heart and I’m stressed out.” [sic].”

Wagner told the jury she thought the allegations were ‘disgusting’.

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She said: “It’s torture. It has gone on for five years now…it is hanging over my head all the time.”

The jury delivered a not guilty verdict on one count of indecency with a child but could not reach verdicts on the remaining seven counts.

They were discharged and a decision has been made not to have a re-trial.