“IT made me feel sick,” said a woman who has accused her friend of raping her after drinking alone together.

Ethan Allsford is on trial at Oxford Crown Court charged with one count of rape after allegedly assaulting a woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, in Chipping Norton on March 20, 2021.

The pair had been drinking together at Allsford’s home before the alleged incident happened.

READ MORE: Chipping Norton rape trial starts at Oxford Crown Court

However, Allsford, of no fixed abode, has denied the offence, stating that any sexual activity between the two was consensual.

During the trial on Tuesday (June 18), the jury were playing the complainant's police video interview where she explained that Allsford had allegedly touched her inappropriately while in bed.

She said: “I turned around and said, ‘What are you doing’ and he put my hand on him and he put his hand back in mine [pyjama shorts] and I said ‘No, we’re not having sex now’ and I just thought that was it.

“I said to him, ‘I’m really sorry but we’re not having sex’. I was not having it. It was not something I was going to let carry on.”

She told police that Allsford had ‘left her alone’ and she had tried to pretend to be asleep.

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“I pretended to be asleep because I thought if he thinks I’m asleep, he will go to sleep,” she said. “I felt him pulling at my pyjamas and he must have thought I was asleep as he was moving slowly and thought, ‘Surely not’.”

She claims Allsford had then raped her before she ‘snapped out of it’. She then left the room before returning to find Allsford ‘acting like nothing happened’, she claims.

The jury heard that the pair then got more drinks and sat in bed together. The woman said she did drink anymore.

“I thought this was the Ethan I knew, this Ethan was okay,” she said.

However, she told police that Allsford had then searched up pornography on his phone.

“I said I didn’t want to watch porn, I want to go to sleep,” she said. “He said something like ‘You’re no fun’.

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“I said, ‘Go and have a w***, I’ve had enough’ and he said ‘Your hands are softer’ and it made me feel sick, I felt unsafe.”

The jury heard the pair then fell asleep and when the woman had awoken in the morning, she was picked up by her friend and made a police report at about 11am.

The trial, which is estimated to take three days, continues.