“I WENT through a traumatic event,” said a Tinder user accused of blackmailing her date for £500 by threatening a ‘false rape’ allegation.

Raluca Vasiu, of Charles Street, Oxford, is on trial at Oxford Crown Court charged with one count of blackmail against a man who cannot be named for legal reasons.

The 26-year-old is accused of blackmailing the man, stating she would make a ‘fake rape allegation’ after the condom ‘came off’ while the pair were having consensual sex.

Read the start of the trial here: Woman 'blackmailed' Tinder date 'by threatening fake rape report'

However, the former Oxford student has denied the offence, stating the man had raped her and then offered her the money to pay for the morning-after-pill.

Giving evidence on Tuesday (June 18), Vasiu told the jury that the man was ‘reluctant’ to put on the condom on March 28, 2021, after the pair arranged a date upon matching on Tinder.

She said the pair then had consensual sex for about 45 minutes before she went to the bathroom.

Upon returning, she told the jury it was dark in the room and she hadn’t seen the man’s penis.

The jury heard that the pair resumed having sex when she claims she saw the condom on the bed and asked the man to stop.

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“There was enough time for him to stop when I asked him to instead of continuing to the end,” she said.

“He did not stop when I asked him to stop.

“I don’t think anyone could make up something like this.

"My first reaction was being very hurt and panicked but at the time it wasn’t anger and his response to my reaction was mocking and debilitating to get me to ‘stop acting crazy’.”

She said she had hit herself in the head with a ceramic plant pot as she had a ‘breakdown’ after the man allegedly told her police wouldn’t believe her if she reported a rape.

“He talked about raping me as it was just a normal Tuesday,” she said.

She then told the jury the man had offered her money to ‘sort the situation’ and pay for emergency contraception and ‘tests’.

Vasiu said it wasn’t a ‘conscious decision’ to take the money.

She said: “Nothing was crossing my mind at that time, I just wanted the situation finished, I wanted him gone.

READ MORE: Man accused of raping his friend after 'getting drunk together'

“I felt so powerless…I would have done anything at that point.

When asked if she ‘making up a story’, Vasiu said: “I went through a traumatic event which I would give anything not to have gone through.”

The trial continues.