A licence application has been submitted for a sex establishment in Oxford with slightly reduced opening hours from last year. 

Nikolas Budimir of Love Empire Ltd is applying to renew the shop's licence to use 54 Cowley Road as a sex shop.

The Private Shop opposite the Bangladesh Islamic Mosque and Christadelphian Hall is seeking opening hours of 10am to 8pm from Monday to Saturday.

The shop, which opened in 1981, was granted its first licence in 2003.

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There has been a sex shop at the site since 2007.

Anyone wishing to oppose the application should write to the head of regulatory services and community safety, Oxford City Council, Town Hall, St Aldate's, Oxford, OX1 1BX by June 28.

Letters in support should be sent to the executive director of communities and people by the same date.

Any written representations in response to this consultation are likely to be required to be made public in accordance with the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985.

It comes after the shop staff applied last June to the council for a licence for the hours of 9am to 8pm Monday to Saturday, and 10am to 4pm on Sundays.

Darker Enterprises submitted the original planning application in 2021 to Oxford City Council for the sex shop in Cowley Road.