Darts throwers completed a marathon challenge when they played for 24 hours straight to raise money for charity.

Women's darts teams from The Red Lion in Cassington played non-stop from 8pm on Saturday night (June 15) until 8am on Sunday fuelled only by huge amounts of coffee.

They have now raised around £1,400 towards £85,000 replacement playground equipment for the village Sports and Social Club.

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Captain June Rouse, who plays in the Witney and Wednesday Leagues, said:  "It was absolutely great.

The darts marathon raised around £1,400 for play equipment (Image: Ed Nix)

"There were eight of us that stayed the 24 hours and another two or three that did some of the hours. We played proper games all the way through.

But she added: "About half an hour before the end I had had enough and yesterday I felt a bit dead.

"But I didn’t go to bed until after the football because I wouldn’t have slept because I was on such a high."

The ladies have also held a raffle and quiz night to raise funds for the play area.