Protesters in Oxford have said "considerable progress" is being made as they continue to make demands on the university amid an ongoing bombardment of Gaza.

The Oxford Action for Palestine (OA4P) group have pitched up tents outside the Radcliffe Camera requesting the university "divest assets" in companies "complicit in Israeli genocide" and "disclose university-wide assets".

This relates to an ongoing bombardment of Palestinians which has killed more than 35,000 people, following Hamas attacks on Israel that killed approximately 1,139 people, in the context of the ongoing Israeli occupation of Palestinian land.

Vice chancellor Irene Tracey.Vice chancellor Irene Tracey. (Image: Other.)

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A representative of the OA4P group said: "On the whole, considerable progress is being made within the University. The support for OA4P and our 6 demands has spread across over 30 college common rooms, nearly 700 faculty and staff, Faculty Congregation meetings, 14 area trade unions (including UCU), and more.

"College Governing Bodies are also starting to act on our demands, with Pembroke College agreeing to fully disclose its investments just this week.

Camps set up on Radcliffe Camera.Camps set up on Radcliffe Camera. (Image: Oxford Action for Palestine)

"We are confident that with continued advocacy, the Administration will yield to the overwhelming support of the University community, and we do not intend to let up until Oxford is no longer complicit in aiding and abetting Israeli genocide, occupation, and apartheid."

Protesters had a meeting with three members of the university administration on Monday which they say "indicated a willingness from the Administration to act".