Concerns have been raised over "secrecy" following the lease option agreement between Oxfordshire County Council and Oxford United relating to the club's stadium proposals.

On May 10, the U’s announced that a legally binding lease option with the county council, for land at The Triangle, south of Kidlington Roundabout, had been signed, in addition to a community collaboration agreement.

United are looking to build a new 16,000-seat stadium at The Triangle, with the club’s licence agreement at the Kassam Stadium running out in 2026.

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However, county councillor for Kidlington South, Ian Middleton has raised “secrecy” concerns surrounding the agreements

Mr Middleton has since written an open letter to the county council’s chief executive, Martin Reeves, the leader of the county council, Liz Leffman, the county council cabinet member for finance, Dan Levy and all parish council chairs.

In an open letter, Mr Middleton claims the county council did not consult with him as the county member for the area or with any other local representatives at parish or district level before signing the agreements.

Mr Middleton said: “After being asked by several local people and parish councillors if I knew what was in these agreements, and having to explain that I didn’t, I felt I had no choice but to write openly to the council CEO making the level of local disquiet about the way this matter has been handled clear.

“This has put me and others in a very difficult position.

“I’m disappointed by the high-handed way this has been dealt with by the council.

“I feel that such a top-down approach seems to be at odds with the way I understood our administration wanted to operate.

“The land in question belongs to the council and is held in trust for the people of Kidlington. 

“It should have been made clear to Oxford United that any agreements concerning contributions to local infrastructure and other community benefits should be open to scrutiny by the people who are going to be most affected by these arrangements.  

“The football club’s apparent continued insistence on secrecy surrounding these negotiations really doesn’t suggest a desire for transparency with the local population or for a full working partnership with local representatives."

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The lease option agreement includes provisions to ensure the club’s right to play at the proposed stadium is secured, along with safeguards on rent and use of facilities, while the community collaboration agreement formalises United’s commitment to a series of benefits, as outlined in the seven strategic priorities set out by the council.

A spokesperson for Oxfordshire County Council said: “The lease option is a commercially sensitive document, which sets out the conditions under which the club can take out a lease on the Triangle site, subject to the securing of planning permission.

“The community collaboration agreement ensures the club meets its commitments against the council’s seven strategic priorities and to the local community and sports groups in both the short and long term.

“These priorities were subject to extensive public engagement and regular councillor briefings during 2022 and 2023, leading up to the decision by cabinet on September 19, 2023 to approve in principle the leasing of land.

“At the September 19, 2023 meeting, authority was delegated by cabinet to senior council officers, in consultation with the cabinet member for finance and property, to conclude negotiations with the club and complete all necessary legal documentation."