Bicester's neighbourhood police team visited a group of people with dementia earlier this week to talk about services designed to support them.

The team visited the Memory Cafe at Bicester Methodist Church to discuss the Herbert Protocol and the Safe Places app with service users and carers.

Bicester Neighbourhood Team speaking to people with dementia and their carersBicester Neighbourhood Team speaking to people with dementia and their carers (Image: TVP Cherwell)

Bicester Neighbourhood Team speaking to people with dementia and their carersBicester Neighbourhood Team speaking to people with dementia and their carers (Image: TVP Cherwell)

The Herbert Protocol is a form that carers can complete to record details of the person they are caring for.

This can then be given to the police if they have to report the person they are caring for as being missing.

Bicester Neighbourhood Team speaking to people with dementia and their carersBicester Neighbourhood Team speaking to people with dementia and their carers (Image: TVP Cherwell)

The Safe Places app launches a walking map directing the user to the nearest registered Safe Place if they feel anxious, scared, or at risk while out and in need of support.

It is available for free download on both iPhone and Android mobiles.