Residents are being consulted on new traffic measures designed to help prepare for drivers diverting as a result of a scheme to create new slip roads onto the A34. 

The junction at Lodge Hill currently only has north-facing slip roads, but work will soon start to add new south-facing slip roads, as well as making cycling and walking easier and safer in the area.

Adding the south-facing slip roads will remove traffic from the town centre as some drivers will no longer have to travel through it to access the A34 southbound at the Marcham interchange. 

To take part in the consultation people can submit their views online using the following web link:

Abingdon North county councillor Nathan Ley has highlighted consultation on the new traffic measures which are planned for Kennington and Radley - villages which could see extra vehicles as a result of the junction work.

Mr Ley posted on Facebook that planning for the scheme has been approved, with funding secured.

He added: "Currently there is an ongoing consultation for traffic calming and other changes around Kennington/Radley as mitigation for potential traffic overflow caused by new slips.

"Our contractor Balfour Beatty is working behind the scenes with the detailed design ongoing and work is anticipated later this year."

(Image: Oxford Mail) The county council consultation for proposed highways improvements says: "We're asking for your views on the proposal to introduce various highway improvement measures in Kennington and Radley, in support of the A34 Lodge Hill interchange improvement scheme.

"These proposals have been put forward following consultation with parish councils and local stakeholders in 2022/23, as a result of which, numerous issues within the surrounding parishes were identified."

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The new measures include extending the existing 30mph speed limit on Sugworth Lane (Radley) westwards by an additional 170 metres, replacing the existing 60mph speed limit.

There will also be a new 40mph speed limit on Bagley Wood Road (Kennington), replacing the existing 60mph speed limit from its junction with Oxford Road, eastwards to the existing 20mph speed limit - 218 metres southwest of its junction with St Swithuns Road.

(Image: Ed Nix) And new ‘No Waiting Monday to Friday, from 8.30am-9.30am and 3pm-4pm’ (single yellow lines) parking restrictions are planned for Kennington.

These would affect The Avenue – from the existing ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ (double yellow lines) restrictions south of its junction with Poplar Grove, southwards to its junction with Simpson Way.

And a new zebra crossing is proposed at St Swithuns Road, about 15 metres west of its junction with The Avenue.

The consultation on the Radley and Kennington work runs until 5pm on June 28.

The main construction of the two new south-facing slip roads is anticipated to start this autumn and last about two years.

The plans were approved in September, and a formal agreement was signed with Homes England in February to secure an additional £17.3m from Homes England’s Brownfield, Infrastructure and Land (BIL) Fund.

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About the author 

Andy is the Trade and Tourism reporter for the Oxford Mail and you can sign up to his newsletters for free here. 

He joined the team more than 20 years ago and he covers community news across Oxfordshire.

His Trade and Tourism newsletter is released every Saturday morning. 

You can also read his weekly Traffic and Transport newsletter.