Public notices are adverts placed by councils and other local authorities to inform people of developments in their areas.

They can cover a wide variety of topics that may impact your life.

They can include planning applications and appeals, road closures or proposals by pubs or nightclubs hoping to change their opening hours or make other variations.

The purpose of a public notice is to make sure anybody - either an individual or a group - with an interest has an opportunity to find out about and comment on the proposal before a decision is made on whether to allow it to go ahead.

Boarding school plans: Estate agent Bidwells on behalf of Wychwood School has submitted a planning application to Oxford City Council for a boarding house on land north of Charlbury Road, Oxford.

Plans submitted for the co-education independent school on Banbury Road include access, landscaping associated with bins/recycling, cycle storage and associated development.

Any representations should be made in writing to Oxford City Council or emailed to by June 20.

Market Street closure: Market Street will be closed from June 24 as part of ongoing road improvements which are anticipated to be completed on August 28.

The city council is carrying out a £6.87million redevelopment of Oxford's Covered Market.

Plans include the part-pedestrianisation of Market Street to create a civic space, including new outdoor seating, market stalls and planters. The public toilets will also be modernised and relocated.

No vehicles can enter or wait in Market Street between the junction with Cornmarket and the delivery access road to the Covered Market.

Traffic signs will be displayed. Exemptions are included for emergency services, for the works and for access to premises which are only accessible from the closed section of road.

Vehicle access to delivery areas for the Covered Market will be maintained throughout the works via Broad Street/Turl Street only.

Level crossing to be closed: A public inquiry will be held into the application by Network Rail to close Tackley level crossing for safety reasons.

The level crossing was closed by Network Rail and Oxfordshire County Council under emergency measures in 2020 to reduce the immediate risk to the public.

It followed repeated misuse of the level crossing with 15 incidents reported in the previous 18 months.

A temporary footbridge has been installed over the line and Network Rail is now proposing to install a permanent footbridge with lifts to reach both platforms plus a new bridleway.

An application for prior approval has been approved by West Oxfordshire District Council. 

The inquiry will open at 10am on Tuesday June 18 and will continue as required on June 19, 20, 21 and June 25, 26, 27, 28 and July 2, 3, 4 and 5 at the Holiday Inn, Peartree Roundabout, Woodstock Road, Oxford OX2 8JD.

Oxford road closure: Nuffield Road in Headington will be closed from June 24 for carriageway improvement works which are anticipated to be completed July 5.

Traffic signs will be displayed. Exemptions are included for emergency services and for the works and for access to premises which are only accessible from the closed section of road.

The alternative route for traffic is via Masons Road, Wood Farm Road, Atkyns Road and vice versa.

Bampton Shirt Race: Ian Watson, Treasurer of SPAJERS (Registered Charity No. 1125107) would like to thank the people of Bampton for their generous support at this year's Shirt Race held in Bampton on May 25.

A grand total of £2,891.91 was raised from the street collection,  £1,746.41 via collecting boxes and £1,145.50 by card/Just Giving and no expenses were incurred in organising this element of the event.

These funds will all go toward SPAJERS delivering our charitable objective of supporting the elderly of Bampton and Lew.