THE sentencing of a man charged with harassment has been delayed so a psychiatric report can be obtained.

Emanuel Liszko, of Abingdon Road, Oxford, was due to be sentenced at Oxford Crown Court on Thursday (June 13) for five counts of harassment by breaching a restraining order.

The 39-year-old was made subject to a restraining order at Oxford Magistrates Court on March 2 last year.

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However, he breached the order by attending an address in Oxford that he was prohibited from doing on April 2 and 6, May 17, and June 7 and 17.

During the hearing, his barrister Gordana Austen requested an adjournment so a psychiatric report could be obtained due to Liszko’s ‘number of mental health conditions’.

Recorder James Hay agreed to adjourn the defendant’s sentencing until July 26.

However, when Liszko was asked to return to the cells he stopped to accuse his probation officer of ‘being drunk’ and ‘vaping’ during their meetings.

He said: “Can I have a different probation officer because I think she was drunk. The way she behaved, the things she said.

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“She had to be really drunk or hate someone so much to say these things and I just can’t get my head around it.

“She was vaping on the video link.”

Recorder Hay said he made a note of his complaint.