The latest court cases in Oxford Magistrates' Court:


ANDREW CHRYSTAL, 60, of Elm Crescent, Charlbury, was found guilty to one count of criminal damage in Witney on July 13 after damaging a white Ford Transit van to the value of £744. He pleaded to failing to surrender to court/police bail on May 16 this year. He was fined £998 and ordered to pay £777 in compensation. There were court costs of £620.

ANDREAS HEGEDUS, 24, of Burford Road, Witney, pleaded guilty to assaulting a woman occasioning her actual bodily harm in Oxford on July 26 last year. He was jailed for six months. There were no other orders for costs.

STEVEN MURPHY, 60, of Marjoram Close, Oxford, pleaded guilty to drink driving in Oxford on November 25 last year with 139 milligrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood. He was disqualified from driving for 17 months, reduced by 17 weeks, and fined £269. There were court costs of £85 and a victim surcharge of £108.

AMANDEEP SINGH, 34, of Norton Road, Stourbridge, Dudley, pleaded guilty to drink driving in Oxford on January 6 this year with 64 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath. They were disqualified from driving for 18 months and fined £600. There were court costs of £800 and a victim surcharge of £240.

ASHA KUMA-LAL, 52, of Oxford Road, Oxfordshire, pleaded guilty to possession of a bladed article in a public place, namely a razor, on January 6 this year. They were given a six-month jail sentence, suspended for 12 months. They will also need to abstain from alcohol for 120 days and complete 10 days of rehabilitation activity. A forfeiture and destruction order was made for the razor. There were court costs of £85 and a victim surcharge of £154.

SASHO RALEVSKI, 49, of Howard Road, Banbury, pleaded guilty to drink driving in Banbury on November 23 last year with 119 milligrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood. They were disqualified from driving for 14 months, reduced by 14 weeks, and fined £120. There were court costs of £85 and a victim surcharge of £48.

NATHAN STEAR, 19, of Pioneer Way, Bicester, pleaded guilty to possession of a Class B drug, namely a quantity of cannabis, at Banbury Police Station on April 17 this year. He was fined £100 and a forfeiture and destruction order was made for the cannabis. There were no other orders for costs.

THOMAS BARRETT, 21, of Sherwood Avenue, Drayton, pleaded guilty to two counts of assault by beating of two different victims on April 19 this year in Abingdon. He also pleaded guilty to possession of a Class B drug, namely one rolled in paper of cannabis. He was given a community order to complete six months of alcohol treatment and 20 days of rehabilitation activity. He was also ordered to pay £100 in compensation. A forfeiture and destruction order was made for the drugs. There were no other orders for costs.