A WOMAN is accused of indecently assaulting a young boy in the early 1990s, claiming she was ‘teaching him about sex’.

Josephine Wagner, 74, is on trial at Oxford Crown Court charged with three counts of indecent assault on a boy, three counts of indecency with a child, and one count of indecency with or towards a child.

The alleged offences took place in Didcot during the late 1990s. She is accused of masturbating the child, who was about nine years old, as well as encouraging him to touch her, stating she was ‘teaching’ him about sex.

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However, Wagner has denied the offences.

During the trial on Tuesday (June 11), the alleged victim gave evidence, telling the jury it was ‘hard’ for him to talk about his experience.

He said: “I’m not lying mate, I’ve got no reason to lie about what happened to me. This is hard for me.

“I’m sat in front of 12 strangers telling stuff that’s intimate to me and it breaks my heart and I’m stressed out.” [sic].

He told the jury about an alleged incident where Wagner had exposed herself to the boy and chased him around.

A second incident allegedly including Wagner making the boy sit between her legs and touch her from behind his back.

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When asked by the defence barrister why he hadn’t told anyone, the complainant said: “I didn’t mention this for years mate because I was embarrassed by it, wouldn’t you?

“I want to draw a line with my last and get on with my future. I don’t need this anymore. That’s why I’m here today. I need to draw a line.

“What reason have I got to lie about it mate? It’s been 30 years holding this in.”

When asked by the defence barrister if he was ‘making up lies’ against Wagner to get compensation, the complainant could be heard getting upset.

“Oh f*** off mate,” he said. “I’ve got a family I love and that is my wealth. You could give me a million pounds and I would f****** piss on it and burn it in front of you.”

He added: “You’re not f******* listening to me mate, you’re winding me up.”

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The defence barrister reiterated that Wagner had denied the offences, to which the complainant replied: “She’s not going to get up here and admit it is she or none of us would be here.”

He added that he doesn’t know what a ‘normal childhood’ is like as he’s ‘never f**** had one’.

The trial of Wagner, of Blackdown Crescent, Havant, Hampshire, continues.