An exhibition organised by Bicester Art Network has raised over one thousand pounds charity Bicester Autism.

Following a "very successful" Oxfordshire Artweeks exhibition at Weston Manor Hotel the organisers, Bicester Art Network, and artists were delighted to present Bicester Autism’s Hayley Collier with a cheque for £1411.11.

Bicester Autism currently support approximately 500 families across Bicester and the surrounding area.

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They create opportunities for parents, carers and families to meet with professionals and others in similar circumstances to share their knowledge and experiences.

Their coffee mornings, pub nights, training days, activities and holiday outings provide a chance for local families to enjoy time together free of judgement and surrounded by a supportive community.

They are run entirely by a team of volunteers who are also parents of autistic children.

They rely on grants, fundraising events and donations to keep the group up and running.

The artists from Bicester Art Network ran a raffle with prizes generously donated by local organisations including, Weston Manor Hotel, Tesco Supermarket Bicester, Bicester Vets, and Lakeland Bicester, in which they raised £717.

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In addition, over 40 artists painted unique postcard canvas’ that were auctioned off at the event’s Private Viewing raising and additional £560.07.

This was all topped up by other donations by visitors to the exhibition which amounted to £134.04.

Hayley Collier from Bicester Autism said: “Wow, this is wonderful news and is extremely appreciated with all the efforts and amazing works created for the show. Thank you, we really do appreciate all the support from Bicester Art Network please say a big thank you to everyone involved.”