A new homes plan has been refused after concerns it would result in a village growing by 25 per cent and "losing its identity".

Cherwell District councillors considered the proposals submitted by developer Neptune Land Promotion for land south of Bloxham Road in Milcombe near Banbury at a planning meeting on Thursday (June 6) this week.

All those present voted against the application, in line with officers' recommendations, with the exception of meeting chairman Barry Wood who abstained due to thinking it "appropriate that the chair abstains in case of a tie vote".

Masterplan.Masterplan. (Image: Cherwell District Council.)
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Speaking out at the meeting, a spokesman for Milcombe Parish Council said: "90 houses plus shop and village hall provision will bring the village closer to Bloxham and could eventually lead to both villages merging like Banbury and Bodicote meaning Milcombe could lose its identity as a small independent village.

Reference was also made to a "lack of infrastructure" and already-existing "dependence" on areas outside the village for doctors and dentists.

Labour councillor Rebecca Biegel suggested at the meeting construction of the homes would "lead to a 25 per cent increase" in the size of the village.

Milcombe.Milcombe. (Image: Google Maps.)

Speaking out in favour of the plans, Aaron Twamley, planning application agent, said: "The application represents an opportunity for Cherwell District Council to make up its housing land supply shortfall which has been proven in numerous appeal decisions over the last six months.

"There are no technical objections to the scheme from consultees other than from the parish councils."