There are concerns an LTN (low traffic neighbourhood) in east Oxford is causing traffic to build up at a "dangerous junction" as a politician suggests this could be a "criminal offence".

Rose Hill and Iffley ward Independent Oxford Alliance councillor David Henwood, who is also running to be MP for Oxford East, has set up a petition demanding Oxfordshire County Council conduct a road safety assessment on the Newman Road junction in Littlemore in east Oxford.

LTNs were introduced in east Oxford in May 2022 with the aim of making streets safer but they have since proved controversial and have been blamed for increasing congestion.

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Mr Henwood says the LTN in Crowell Road - which becomes Littlemore Road - has "increased the likelihood of accidents" by pushing additional traffic onto the A4158.

He added: "The Newman Road junction is just a few meters away from the Rose Hill Roundabout, where a cycle track meets a footpath, and where drivers have to negotiate to turn right 'crisscrossing' each other, also just a few meters from one of Oxford's busiest roundabouts.

The Newman Road junction.The Newman Road junction. (Image: Google Maps.)

"The Bus gate on Crowell Road has pushed additional traffic onto the A4158 as Littlemore residents no longer have a direct route to the Cowley Centre and now need to take a much longer route to their destination.

"The junction has always been dangerous and is now reaching critical mass."

A petition set up by Mr Henwood, which was launched on June 2, has amassed 142 signatures to date.

An Oxfordshire County Council spokesman said: "The LTN point on Littlemore Road forms part of the Cowley low traffic neighbourhoods.

"We don’t have evidence that it is causing tangible traffic impacts on the Newman Road roundabout.

Littlemore/Crowell Road LTN.Littlemore/Crowell Road LTN. (Image: N/A.)

"Safety audits were carried out for both the Cowley and east Oxford LTNs. Traffic surveys were conducted before the ANPR was implemented and are scheduled to be conducted again soon.

"LTNs are intended to make residential streets safer and more comfortable for walking, wheeling, and cycling.

"They are designed to work with other measures to improve public transport, walking and cycling; making travel easier in Oxford. We continue to monitor the LTNs and evaluate their impact."

LTNs prevent traffic cutting through residential streets but have been blamed for funnelling traffic onto main roads.

David Henwood.David Henwood. (Image: N/A.)

The low traffic neighbourhood (LTN) bollard point on Littlemore Road has been replaced with an automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) camera which the council says allows more flexibility for bus services and "increased police patrols".

Mr Henwood added: "The Crowell Road bus gate has increased the likelihood of accidents and made the junction dangerous for cyclists, pedestrians, and other road users.

"Increasing the risk of accidents is negligence, and should be a criminal offence."