A woman living opposite a green site set for 750 homes claimed she was not warned about the development with work ‘likely’ to start in the next year.

Plans for the 29.4-hectare site to the east of the existing Ladygrove estate were given outline approval by South Oxfordshire District Council in 2022.

Construction of the first plots of homes is expected to start in the next 12 months with their completion to be in 2026 and 2027.

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The site has been earmarked for homes since 2006 after being allocated for development in the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2011.

However,  South Oxfordshire District Council has been receiving planning applications for development at the site for more than 25 years receiving the first in 1997, again in 2000 and finally in 2019.

Yahaira Ribeiro, who lives opposite the site on Copse View, says she hadn’t been made aware of the upcoming work until the past two weeks.

Ms Ribeiro found out about the new homes from a design code which includes specific details about the plans submitted by developers Bloor Homes and Dare Warwick (Properties) in May.

One of the conditions of the outline approval is that no work can start on the site until the design code is signed off by South Oxfordshire District Council.

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When finding out that the plans had already been given outline approval Ms Ribeiro described it as “disappointing”.

Her concerns included an “overburdened” healthcare, the increased traffic from a rise in population and a loss of privacy.

She said: “The proposed development presents numerous significant issues that warrant careful reconsideration.

“The impact on privacy, amenity, local infrastructure, traffic, parking, flood risk, environmental constraints, noise, fumes, dust, and disturbance, as well as the strain on healthcare services, collectively argue against granting planning permission.

“A more balanced and integrated approach is necessary to ensure that development needs are met without compromising the quality of life, health, and well-being of existing and future residents.”

A spokesperson for South Oxfordshire District Council said: “The site has been allocated for development in the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2011, which was adopted in 2006.

“All our Local Plans are subject to numerous stages of statutory public consultation. 

“Our Local Plan 2035, which also includes this allocation, was consulted on six times between 2014 and 2019, then underwent an examination in public. 

“We first received planning applications on Ladygrove East in 1997, then again in 2000 and 2019. Nearby properties were notified about each of these planning applications.

“In terms of timescales, we expect the first homes to be completed on this site in 2026/27 so construction work would likely be starting in the next year or so to facilitate this.”