An Oxfordshire charity has thanked its hundreds of helpers this Volunteers' Week - paying particular tribute to some long-time assistants. 

Helen & Douglas House marked the week from June 3 to 9 by thanking more than 600 people whose dedication, hard work and commitment helps make the charity tick - including a mother in Wallingford who has gone above and beyond.

The charity helps terminally ill children live life to the full - and retail volunteer Frances Reid brings her lived experience to what is an important community role. 

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Ms Reid volunteers at the charity shop in Wallingford and has been working for the charity for more than 15 years.

Her connection with the charity began in 1982 when her son Richard and her family first visited the hospice in Oxford.

She then became manager in 2003 at the charity’s first ever shop in the Covered Market in Oxford, before becoming a volunteer in her retirement.

Ms Reid said: “Our first link to Helen House was soon after it opened, when our son, who had Muscular Dystrophy, was welcomed into the fold.

"We started to come to the hospice in 1982 soon after it first opened 42 years ago.

"He spent many happy times at Helen & Douglas House until his death in 1991, aged 18."

Ms Reid said Richard enjoyed his visits to the hospice, which the staff often managed to coincide with other friends' visits.

She added: "This meant they could have fun together - a trip down to the local video shop and then a late night was always a treat."

"Everyone working in Helen House was so supportive, and we knew that Richard was in safe hands."

Ms Reid was working in retail until 2003, although she always tried to do a bit of fundraising for the charity.

(Image: Helen and Douglas House) She then read they were planning to open the shop in the Covered Market and felt she would like to volunteer - ending up applying for the manager position. 

Ms Reid explained: “In 2008, on reaching my 60th birthday, I decided to retire - but not completely. 

"For a few months I helped out in various shops if needed, and then the Wallingford shop was set to open in May 2009, and so I started volunteering there. 

"I have helped there once a week ever since, and my main love is Bric-a-Brac - who would have thought I could get so excited by a box?

"But you never know what might be inside."

Jane Long, chief executive of Helen & Douglas House said: “The work our volunteers like Frances do makes a huge difference to the lives of the local families we support every day."

"In 2023/24 our volunteers, donated 66,000 hours which has saved us £750,000 in staff costs which is enough to fund our entire nursing staff for one year and five months."