The city's athletic, sailing and rowing clubs are feeling the Olympic bounce.

Spurred on by Team GB's heroic efforts people are deciding they want a piece of the action and who can blame them?

Youngsters want to emulate sporting greats such as Chris Hoy and Rebecca Addlington - far better role models than Big Brother nothing-celebs.

It is easy to be swept away with Olympic mania, but the shiny gloss often loses a hefty slice of its appeal as winter draws in.

The key is keeping budding athletes and water babies keen enough to hone their talents to world class standards.

A tough task. How many are truly willing to pull their backsides out of bed at 4.30am before a day's work to train?

We have enough local talent to show it can be done and the Government cannot be criticised for failing to put up the cash.

So, it's down to you.

Let's hope come 2012 we can have two weeks worth of front pages featuring local talent with medals draped around their necks.

On the flipside, spare a thought for disabled sailors at Farmoor reservoir.

Having raised a staggering £250,000 to build new pontoon facilities, it now looks like it won't be enough. Spiralling steel prices means fundraisers will need double the amount to see their dream become a reality.

Let us hope people can dip into their pockets and find the support the facility needs.