A documentary following the story of a young couple as they embark on what becomes one of the most significant rewilding project in Europe is set to be screened in Oxford.

Director David Allen’s documentary, Wilding, will be shown at Phoenix Picturehouse in Oxford at 6pm on June 12 and will feature a Q&A session with author Isabella Tree.

Based Ms Tree's Sunday Times bestselling book of the same title, the film captures the story of a young couple that bets on nature for the future of their failing, 400-year-old estate.

Oxford Mail: The Oxford screening will feature a Q&A session with Isabella TreeThe Oxford screening will feature a Q&A session with Isabella Tree (Image: MetFilm Distribution)

The couple battle entrenched tradition, and place the fate of their farm in the hands of nature.

Ripping down the fences, they set the land back to the wild and entrust its recovery to a range of animals.

It is the beginning of an experiment that will become one of the most significant rewilding experiments in Europe.

Ms Tree, whose book has been sold more than 350,000 in the UK and worldwide, and has been translated into eight different languages, said: "I hope the film will bring rewilding to a wider audience and, above all, convey the message of hope that we all need to hear – that nature can rebound in astonishing ways and remarkably quickly, if we let it.

Oxford Mail: The film will be shown in Oxford on June 12The film will be shown in Oxford on June 12 (Image: MetFilm Distribution)

"The story of rewilding Knepp shows how we can restore wildlife and tackle climate change.

"It’s a movement that is gathering pace and we can all do our bit.

"From large landholding to urban park, back garden and window box, we are all part of the picture.

"We can all help stitch nature back together again, resuscitating the life-support system on which all species on this planet – including our own – depends."

The documentary premiered at the BFI London Film Festival 2023 and later at the Hamptons International Film Festival.

Produced by the three-time Oscar-winning production company Passion Pictures in collaboration with the Oscar-nominated, Emmy, and Peabody Award-winning HHMI Tangled Bank Studios, Wilding is the pair's third joint venture.

Their most recent film, 'All That Breathes', was OSCAR and BAFTA nominated and secured the Best Documentary award at Sundance, Cannes, and the London Film Festival.

Previous films include the Emmy Award-winning 'The Serengeti Rules' and the Emmy-nominated 'My Garden of a Thousand Bees', which won the Golden Panda Award at Wildscreen.

The film is directed by five-time Emmy Award-winner David Allen and photographed by multi-BAFTA & Emmy Award-winning cinematographers Tim Cragg and Simon de Glanville.

It features a musical score composed by Biggi Hilmars and Grammy-nominated Jon Hopkins.