Rishi Sunak has been photobombed by a Liberal Democrat boat whilst campaigning in Oxfordshire.

The Prime Minister was in Henley on Monday morning to speak to the public as part of the election campaign trail.

Whilst sat down with food and drinks by the waterside, a small boat sailed past Mr Sunak with Liberal Democrat supporters onboard.

The PM continued speaking to the crowd around him, oblivious to the boat behind him.

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Mr Sunak is also visiting Wantage Football Club this afternoon as part of the campaign trail. 

Arriving in Henley, Mr Sunak answered questions surrounding a culture war with his pledge to overhaul equality laws.

The Conservatives announced an election campaign proposal to amend the Equality Act to make clear sex means “biological sex” rather than gender.

They say the change will make it simpler for service providers for women and girls, such as those running sessions for domestic abuse victims, to prevent biological males from taking part.

But opposition parties criticised Mr Sunak’s party for waging “phony culture wars”.

Asked about the accusations, the Prime Minister told broadcasters: “No. It builds on our track record of treating these issues sensitively and with compassion, as of course we should, but ensuring that our laws are right, our guidance is right to protect the safety and security of women and girls and the wellbeing of our children.

“And I think that’s paramount in all of our minds.”

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Pressed on why the Tories have not acted in the 14 years they have been in power, Mr Sunak blamed the SNP’s gender recognition legislation.

“We were also of course dealing with the SNP’s aims to try and make gender recognition on a self-ID basis, which wasn’t right,” he said.

The Liberal Democrats criticised the Tory policy as a “cynical distraction from their failings on so many issues”.

Deputy leader Daisy Cooper said she did not believe there was a demand or a need to “unpick” the Act.

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Oxford Mail: Mr Sunak was in Henley on Monday morning.Mr Sunak was in Henley on Monday morning. (Image: PA)

“I think the Government is failing on so many counts – time and again we have seen how it tries to wage these phony culture wars,” she said.

Ms Cooper was also in Henley on Monday morning and was on the boat which sailed past Mr Sunak.

After the incident, she posted the video of the photobomb on social media platform X adding a caption with no words but instead and a waving emoji alongside a hand-over-mouth emoji.

Mr Sunak, who has been prime Minister since October 2022, called the general election last month after months of speculation about its date.

It will be held on Thursday, July 4, 2024.

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